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API Quickstart

Using the Nextmv Cloud API.

Nextmv Cloud API provides you with endpoints to run a model, check the status of your run, and get the results of a run. Follow the steps below to use Nextmv Cloud API.

Note, you can use Nextmv Cloud either via the API or console user interface, however some defaults or options may differ. Any differences are noted in the input schema.

Get your API key

After you have logged in to the Nextmv Cloud Console, navingate to your account page to find and copy your key. Keep it safe, as it alone provides unfettered access to the cloud API.


Note, all requests must be authenticated with Bearer Authentication. Make sure your request has a header containing your Nextmv Cloud API key, as such:

  • Key: Authorization
  • Value: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>

Create a new run.

Request a new run to the Nextmv Cloud API. You can use a `run_profile` to specify configurations and integrations that do not vary run to run. Use the `profiles` endpoints to create and manage run profiles.


Get a run status.

Poll the status of the run requested with the `/v0/run` endpoint, using the `run_id` obtained. If the status is `succeeded`, it means that the solution can be queried using the `/v0/run/{run_id}/result` endpoint.


Get the result of the run.

Get the result of the run requested with the `/v0/run` endpoint, using the `run_id` obtained. The solution can be found under the `state` key.

Using the API

The Nextmv Cloud API should be used through polling.


Visit our code snippets section for code snippets that showcase how to use the API in selected programming languages.

Send a request to the /v0/run endpoint with a JSON body that follows the input schema. The API server should return a runID similar to the following:

{ "runID": "<YOUR_RUN_ID>" }

This means that a Nextmv solver has been spun up to solve the model with the given input. The time it takes to finish execution varies by the size of the input and solver options. Wait for approximately the duration set in the run options. Depending on the problem, the solver may finish sooner than the alloted time.

Poll the /v0/run/{run_id}/status endpoint with the runID obtained from the previous request.

  • If the status of the run is succeeded, you may request the result using the last endpoint.
  • If the status is requested or started, it means that the solver is still running and you should wait to request the result. We recommend you set a maximum number of retries for the polling. Sleep for a short time, then poll the endpoint until there are no retries left or the status is succeeded. Instead of retries, you can also use a timeout, as outlined in our code samples.
  • If the status is failed or timed_out, it means that you will not be able to request the result.

Request the result from the /v0/run/{run_id}/result endpoint using the runID obtained from the first request. The response is a JSON payload that follows the output schema. Modify the input of your run request to see how your result changes. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at

Input schema

The input schema is a JSON payload defining the vehicles, stops, and options for a given routing problem. Nextmv's tools are designed to operate directly on business data (in JSON) to produce decisions that are actionable by software systems. This makes decisions more interpretable and easier to test. It also makes integration with data warehouses and business intelligence platforms significantly easier. An input contains the following components:

PropertyRequiredField nameTypeDescription
VehiclesYesvehiclesarray of objectVehicles to route.
StopsYesstopsarray of objectStops that will be routed and assigned to the vehicles.
Run profileNorun_profileobjectProfile for configurations that do not vary run to run.
OptionsNooptionsobjectOptions to configure the solver.
DefaultsNodefaultsobjectDefault properties for vehicles and stops.
Stop groupsNostop_groupsarray of array of stringGroup of stops that must be part of the same route.
Alternate stopsNoalternate_stopsarray of objectAlternate locations that a vehicle can visit.
Duration groupsNoduration_groupsarray of objectGroup of stops that add an overall service time.

A sample input for a fleet of 2 vehicles and 10 stops is provided as a .json file. Sign up for Nextmv Cloud Console for additional sample input files.


vehicles define all vehicles in a fleet. Available vehicle property fields and type requirements are detailed in the table below. Besides being a mandatory field, the id must be unique. Except for id, required fields can be set as defaults instead of being set for each vehicle.

Note, the field alternate_stops references stops by ID in the alternate_stops object, not the stops object.

PropertyRequiredField nameTypeExample
Name / identifierYesidstring"id": "vehicle-1"
Average speedYesspeedfloat [meters/second]"speed": 25
Shift startYesshift_starttimestamp"shift_start": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00"
Shift endNoshift_endtimestamp"shift_end": "2021-10-17T11:00:00-06:00"
Starting positionNostartobject"start": { "lon":-96.659222, "lat": 33.122746 }
Ending positionNoendobject"end": { "lon": -96.659222, "lat": 33.122746 }
Carrying capacityNocapacityobject or int"capacity": { "weight": 500 } or "capacity": 500
Compatibility attributesNocompatibility_attributesarray of string"compatibility_attributes": ["refrigerated"]
Max stopsNomax_stopsint"max_stops": 1
Max distanceNomax_distanceint [meters]"max_distance": 50000
Max durationNomax_durationint [seconds]"max_duration": 3600
Stop duration multiplierNostop_duration_multiplierfloat"stop_duration_multiplier": 1.2
BacklogNobacklogarray of string"backlog": ["location-1"]
Alternate stopsNoalternate_stopsarray of string"alternate_stops": ["as-1"]
Initialization costNoinitialization_costint"initialization_cost": 34000

Here is an example of vehicles:

    "vehicles": [
            "id": "vehicle-1",
            "capacity": 100,
            "speed": 20
            "id": "vehicle-2",
            "capacity": 50


stops define all stops (or requests) that are candidates for assignment. Just like id for vehicles, id for stops must be unique. Available stop property fields and type requirements are detailed in the table below.

PropertyRequiredField nameTypeExample
Name / identifierYesidstring"id": "order-1-pickup"
Stop locationYespositionobject"position": { "lon": -96.827094, "lat": 33.004745 }
Stop durationNostop_durationint [seconds]"stop_duration": 120
Quantity picked up (-) or dropped off (+)Noquantityobject or int"quantity": { "weight": -50 } or "quantity": -50
Target timeNotarget_timetimestamp"target_time": "2021-10-17T09:45:00-06:00"
Hard windowNohard_windowarray of timestamp"hard_window": [ "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00", "2021-10-17T10:00:00-06:00" ]
Max wait timeNomax_waitint [seconds]"max_wait": 900
Penalty for being earlyNoearliness_penaltyfloat"earliness_penalty": 2
Penalty for being lateNolateness_penaltyfloat"lateness_penalty": 5
Penalty for not visitingNounassigned_penaltyint"unassigned_penalty": 200000
Precedence - visit beforeNoprecedesarray of string or string"precedes": ["order-1-drop", "order-2-drop"] or "precedes": "order-1-drop"
Precedence - visit afterNosucceedsarray of string or string"succeeds": ["order-1-drop", "order-2-drop"] or "succeeds": "order-1-drop"
Compatibility attributesNocompatibility_attributesarray of array of string"compatibility_attributes": ["refrigerated"]

Here is an example of stops:

    "stops": [
            "id": "location-1",
            "position": { "lon": -96.71038, "lat": 33.20580 },
            "quantity": -27
            "id": "location-2",
            "position": { "lon": -96.65613, "lat": 33.22591 },
            "quantity": -30

Run profile

run_profile is a single JSON object with an id attribute specifying a previously configured run profile. Settings for the profile are merged with the input for the run. Additional integration-specific fields may be added to the run profile. Please note that third-party integrations are configured as part of a run profile. See available integrations for more information.

PropertyRequiredField nameTypeExample
Name / identifierYesidstring"id": "<MY-RUN-PROFILE-ID>"

Here is an example of a run_profile:

    "run_profile": { 
      "id": "<MY-RUN-PROFILE-ID>"


Solver options can also be added to the input file. Note, in the Nextmv Cloud console, options added to an input file will override options configured using the graphical user interface (e.g., a duration specified in an input file will override a duration set using the runtime slider). Available option fields and type requirements are detailed in the table below.

PropertyRequiredField nameTypeExampleDefault (limits)Description
Time limitNodurationstring"solver": { "limits": { "duration": "5s" } }API: 3s (600s limit); Console: 3s (30s limit)The length of time a solver must run.
Solution limitNosolutionsint"solver": { "limits": { "solutions": 1 } }model.MaxIntThe number of feasible solutions that must be found before stopping or reaching a time limit if specified.
Node limitNonodesint"solver": { "limits": { "nodes": 10 } }model.MaxIntThe number of nodes that must be generated before stopping or reaching a time limit if specified.
Diagram expansion limitNoexpansionint"solver": { "diagram": { "expansion": { "limit": 1 } }1The number of child nodes to generate on each pass.

Here is an example of custom options:

  "options": {
    "solver": {
      "limits": {
        "duration": "5s",
        "solutions": 1,
        "nodes": 10
        "expansion": {
          "limit": 1


defaults apply default properties to all vehicles, stops and alternate stops. Properties added to specific vehicles or stops override the default settings (see vehicles and stops). Here is an example of using defaults.

    "defaults": {
        "vehicles": {
            "start": { "lon": -96.65922, "lat": 33.12274 },
            "end": { "lon": -96.65922, "lat": 33.12274 },
            "shift_start": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00",
            "speed": 10  
        "stops": {
            "stop_duration": 120

Stop groups

stop_groups define a list of stops to be grouped together. Each group must consist of at least 2 stops, given by their IDs. Here is an example of using stop_groups:

    "stop_groups": [

Alternate stops

alternate_stops defines a list of stops. An alternate stop can be referenced by a vehicle by using the alternate_stops property. In addition to the stops already assigned to the vehicle, one alternate stop will be assigned from all referenced alternate stops. An alternate stop has the same fields as a normal stop. Here is an example of using alternate_stops:

    "alternate_stops": [
          "id": "as-1",
          "position": { "lon": -96.71038, "lat": 33.20580 },
          "id": "as-2",
          "position": { "lon": -96.65613, "lat": 33.22591 },

Duration groups

duration_groups define groups of stops that would take on an additional duration cost if any stop in the group is approached from a location outside of it. Any individual stop durations will be applied as usual. Two fields are required for each duration group: group and duration. A location must not be repeated within a group and must not be part of several groups. The table below defines the schema for a duration group.

PropertyRequiredField nameTypeExample
Stop groupYesgrouparray of string"group": ["location-1"]
DurationYesdurationint [seconds]"duration": 120

Here is an example of using duration_groups:

    "duration_groups": [
            "group": ["location-4", "location-3", "location-2", "location-1"],
            "duration": 300
            "group": ["location-5", "location-6", "location-7"],
            "duration": 600

Output schema

The output schema defines the solution to the routing problem, in addition to the options that were used and summary statistics, all in JSON format. The output schema contains the following components.

PropertyField nameTypeDescription
Hop versionhopstringThe version of the Nextmv solver (Hop) used.
OptionsoptionsobjectThe options defined in the input file and used by the solver.
SolutionstateobjectThe solution to the problem.
StatisticsstatisticsobjectSummary statistics of the search for the best solution.

Here, we focus on the state object containing a solution. The state contains the following components:

PropertyField nameTypeDescription
Vehicles' solutionvehiclesarray of objectVehicles with assigned routes.
Unassigned stopsunassignedarray of objectStops not assigned to any vehicle (if any).
Value summaryvalue_summaryobjectBreakdown of a vehicle's solution.

A sample output is provided as a .json file.

Vehicles output

The vehicles key contains the route per vehicle and different fields with statistics for that vehicle. The components of a vehicle's solution are described in the following table.

PropertyField nameTypeExampleDescription
Name / identifieridstring"id": "vehicle-1"ID of the vehicle.
Valuevalueint"value": 5745Costs associated with this vehicle.
Total travel distancetravel_distancefloat [meters]"travel_distance": 51450.103837858944Total distance traveled by this vehicle.
Total travel timetravel_timefloat [seconds]"travel_time": 5745.074947478Total travel time for this vehicle.
Initialization costvehicle_initialization_costsint"vehicle_initialization_costs": 0The one-time costs that are applied for using this vehicle.
Polylinepolylinestring"polyline": "??gotiEjpomQ??fotiEkpomQ"A polyline from start to end encoded in Google's polyline format.
Routeroutearray of object"route": {"id":"location-1", "lon": -96.7503, "lat": 33.2058 "distance": 12542.225,"eta": "2022-02-22T09:20:54:06-00","ets": "2022-02-22T09:20:54:06-00"}, {...}, ...]The vehicle's route with stops and additional stop information.

The components for a vehicle's route are described in the following table.

PropertyField nameTypeExampleDescription
Name / identifieridstring"id": "location-1"ID of the stop.
Longitudelonfloat"lon": -96.659222Longitude of the stop.
Latitudelatfloat"lat": 33.122746Latitude of the stop.
Accumulated distancedistancefloat [meters]"distance": 0Total route distance up to this stop.
Polylinepolylinestring"polyline": "styrFv~xiM??"A polyline from this stop to the next stop, encoded in Google's polyline format.
Estimated time of arrivaletatimestamp"eta": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00"Estimated time at which the vehicle will arrive at this stop.
Estimated time of departureetdtimestamp"etd": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00"Estimated time at which the vehicle will depart from this stop.
Estimated time of serviceetstimestamp"ets": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00"When using time windows there are potential wait times when arriving before the window opens. This is the estimated time at which service at the stop starts.

Here is an example of the solution for a vehicle.

  "vehicles": [
      "id": "vehicle-1",
      "polyline": "??gotiEjpomQ??fotiEkpomQ",
      "travel_distance": 48659.494999999995,
      "travel_time": 5346.0749,
      "value": 5346,
      "vehicle_initialization_costs": 0,
      "route": [
          "id": "vehicle-1-start",
          "lon": -96.659222,
          "lat": 33.122746,
          "distance": 0,
          "eta": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00",
          "etd": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00",
          "ets": "2021-10-17T09:00:00-06:00",
          "polyline": "styrFv~xiM??"
          "id": "location-1",
          "lon": -96.75038245222623,
          "lat": 33.20580830033956,
          "distance": 12542.225,
          "eta": "2021-10-17T09:20:54-06:00",
          "etd": "2021-10-17T09:20:54-06:00",
          "ets": "2021-10-17T09:20:54-06:00"

Unassigned output

The unassigned key holds an array of unassigned stops (objects). Each unassigned stop has the following fields:

PropertyField nameTypeExample
Name / identifieridstring"id": "location-1"
Longitudelonfloat"lon": -96.659222
Latitudelatfloat"lat": 33.122746

Here is an example of how unassigned stops look like in the output.

  "unassigned": [
      "id": "location-3",
      "lon": -96.61059803136642,
      "lat": 33.23528740544529

Summary output

The value_summary key holds summary statistics of the overall solution, like the total distance traveled and the value of the solution. The components of the value summary are described below.

PropertyField nameTypeExample
Valuevalueint"value": 211264
Total travel distancetotal_travel_distancefloat [meters]"total_travel_distance": 101843.988
Total travel timetotal_travel_timefloat [seconds]"total_travel_time": 11265.113
Total earliness penaltytotal_earliness_penaltyfloat [seconds]"total_earliness_penalty": 0
Total lateness penaltytotal_lateness_penaltyfloat [seconds]"total_lateness_penalty": 0
Total unassigned penaltytotal_unassigned_penaltyint [seconds]"total_unassigned_penalty": 200000
Total vehicle initialization coststotal_vehicle_initialization_costsint [seconds]"total_vehicle_initialization_costs": 0

Here is an example of how the value_summary looks like in the output.

  "value_summary": {
    "value": 211264,
    "total_travel_distance": 101843.988,
    "total_travel_time": 11265.113,
    "total_earliness_penalty": 0,
    "total_lateness_penalty": 0,
    "total_unassigned_penalty": 200000,
    "total_vehicle_initialization_costs": 0


This section details the schema in the statistics object for each solution returned by the solver.

PropertyField nameTypeDescription
Solution boundsboundsobjectBounds for the value of the solution.
Solution state explorationsearchobjectSummary of the solver's search mechanism.
Solution time statisticstimeobjectTime it took for the solver to find the solution.
Solution valuevalueintTotal value of the solution.

The bounds key follows the schema described below.

PropertyField nameTypeDescription
Lower boundlowerintLower bound of the solution.
Upper boundupperintUpper bound of the solution.

In cases where the Nextmv solver is maximizing or minimizing an objective, the upper and lower bounds are continuously updated after generating a new state.

  • If the bounds are the same in value, Nextmv solver has mathematically proven optimality of its best solution.
  • When bounds are not the same value, Nextmv solver terminated early while searching the state space proving optimality. In that case, Nextmv solver will return the best solution found to date.

The search object shows the solver's search mechanism, which is a state exploration. It projects states forward from the root state to determine what decisions you should make. Every transition in that search produces a new state which is then explored. Each of these categories contain both feasible and infeasible states. See the solver overview for more information.

PropertyField nameTypeDescription
Generated statesgeneratedintAll of the states the solver created.
Filtered statesfilteredintAll states that have been removed from the search because they have been bounded out. The solver has determined that it cannot, from a certain set of solutions, produce a solution that will be better than the best solution found so far.
Expanded statesexpandedintAll states that are not 'Filtered'
Reduced statesreducedintStates that have been removed from the search because a 'Reducer' determined that no states directly dominate them.
Deferred statesrestrictedintStates saved for later exploration. This is how the solver manages an explosion of the state space. It will explore the most fruitful options first, then defer the others.
Restricted statesdeferredintStates that have not been deferred and will be investigated immediately.
Explored statesexploredintAll states that have been fully explored. Explored states cannot produce more child states.
Total solutionssolutionsintNumber of solutions that the solver has found thus far.

Lastly, the time object shows the time it took for the solver to find the solution shown.

PropertyField nameTypeDescription
Elapsed timeelapsedstringHuman-readable elapsed time to find the solution.
Elapsed secondselapsed_secondsfloatTotal seconds to find the solution.
Run start timestarttimestampTimestamp indicating when the search began.

Below is an example of output statistics for a solver result.

  "statistics": {
    "bounds": {
      "lower": -9223372036854776000,
      "upper": 211264
    "search": {
      "generated": 10,
      "filtered": 0,
      "expanded": 10,
      "reduced": 0,
      "restricted": 10,
      "deferred": 10,
      "explored": 0,
      "solutions": 1
    "time": {
      "elapsed": "1.152495ms",
      "elapsed_seconds": "0.001152495",
      "start": "2022-03-02T14:17:59.295985184Z"
    "value": 211264

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