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You will learn the basics of interacting with the router.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the router engine with a simple example.


The aim of this example is to create routes to visit seven landmarks in Kyoto using two vehicles.


Save the following information in an input.json file (see input and output for more information on working with input files).

  "stops": [
      "id": "Fushimi Inari Taisha",
      "position": { "lon": 135.772695, "lat": 34.967146 }
      "id": "Kiyomizu-dera",
      "position": { "lon": 135.78506, "lat": 34.994857 }
      "id": "Nijō Castle",
      "position": { "lon": 135.748134, "lat": 35.014239 }
      "id": "Kyoto Imperial Palace",
      "position": { "lon": 135.762057, "lat": 35.025431 }
      "id": "Gionmachi",
      "position": { "lon": 135.775682, "lat": 35.002457 }
      "id": "Kinkaku-ji",
      "position": { "lon": 135.728898, "lat": 35.039705 }
      "id": "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest",
      "position": { "lon": 135.672009, "lat": 35.017209 }
  "vehicles": ["v1", "v2"]


The following program uses the CLI Runner to obtain a solution and requires access to the Nextmv code repository on GitHub. To request access, please contact

To proceed with running the example, create a main.go file and use the code snippet below.

package main

import (

// Struct to read from JSON in.
type input struct {
    Stops    []route.Stop `json:"stops,omitempty"`
    Vehicles []string     `json:"vehicles,omitempty"`

// Use the router engine and CLI runner to solve a Vehicle Routing Problem.
func main() {
    f := func(i input, opt solve.Options) (solve.Solver, error) {
        router, err := route.NewRouter(i.Stops, i.Vehicles)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        return router.Solver(opt)


To execute the example, specify the path to the input.json file using command-line flags and use jq to extract the solution state (see runners for more information on building and running programs).

go run main.go -hop.runner.input.path input.json | jq .state


The solution should look similar to this one:

  "unassigned": [],
  "vehicles": [
      "id": "v1",
      "route": [
          "id": "Fushimi Inari Taisha",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.772695,
            "lat": 34.967146
          "id": "Kiyomizu-dera",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.78506,
            "lat": 34.994857
          "id": "Gionmachi",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.775682,
            "lat": 35.002457
          "id": "Kyoto Imperial Palace",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.762057,
            "lat": 35.025431
          "id": "Nijō Castle",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.748134,
            "lat": 35.014239
          "id": "Kinkaku-ji",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.728898,
            "lat": 35.039705
      "route_duration": 1242
      "id": "v2",
      "route": [
          "id": "Arashiyama Bamboo Forest",
          "position": {
            "lon": 135.672009,
            "lat": 35.017209
      "route_duration": 0

You can see that one vehicle has six stops assigned and the other just a single stop, which is the farthest from the others.

See the router engine overview page for additional options that can be added to extend this basic example.


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