Use options to capture parameters (i.e.: configurations) for the run. The ModelOptions
class captures the native gurobipy
parameters, and the to_nextmv()
method allows you to convert them to nextmv
options, for convenience.
$ python --help usage: [options] Options for Use command-line arguments (highest precedence) or environment variables. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -AggFill AGGFILL, --AggFill AGGFILL [env var: AGGFILL] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the amount of fill allowed during presolve aggregation. Larger values generally lead to presolved models with fewer rows and columns, but with more constraint matrix non-zeros. The default value chooses automatically, and usually works well. -Aggregate AGGREGATE, --Aggregate AGGREGATE [env var: AGGREGATE] (default: 1) (type: int): Controls the aggregation level in presolve. The options are off (0), moderate (1), or aggressive (2). In rare instances, aggregation can lead to an accumulation of numerical errors. Turning it off can sometimes improve solution accuracy. -BQPCuts BQPCUTS, --BQPCuts BQPCUTS [env var: BQPCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls Boolean Quadric Polytope (BQP) cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -BarConvTol BARCONVTOL, --BarConvTol BARCONVTOL [env var: BARCONVTOL] (default: 1e-08) (type: float): The barrier solver terminates when the relative difference between the primal and dual objective values is less than the specified tolerance (with a "GRB_OPTIMAL" status). Tightening this tolerance often produces a more accurate solution, which can sometimes reduce the time spent in crossover. Be aware that such tightening may result in an increase of barrier iterations and hence computation time spent therein. Loosening it causes the barrier algorithm to terminate with a less accurate solution, which can be useful when barrier is making very slow progress in later iterations. Note: Barrier only -BarCorrectors BARCORRECTORS, --BarCorrectors BARCORRECTORS [env var: BARCORRECTORS] (default: -1) (type: int): Limits the number of central corrections performed in each barrier iteration. The default value chooses automatically, depending on problem characteristics. The automatic strategy generally works well, although it is often possible to obtain higher performance on a specific model by selecting a value manually. Note: Barrier only -BarHomogeneous BARHOMOGENEOUS, --BarHomogeneous BARHOMOGENEOUS [env var: BARHOMOGENEOUS] (default: -1) (type: int): Determines whether to use the homogeneous barrier algorithm. At the default setting (-1), it is only used when barrier solves a node relaxation for a MIP model. Setting the parameter to 0 turns it off, and setting it to 1 forces it on. The homogeneous algorithm is useful for recognizing infeasibility or unboundedness. It is a bit slower than the default algorithm. Note: Barrier only -BarIterLimit BARITERLIMIT, --BarIterLimit BARITERLIMIT [env var: BARITERLIMIT] (default: 1000) (type: int): Limits the number of barrier iterations performed. This parameter is rarely used. If you would like barrier to terminate early, it is almost always better to use the BarConvTol parameter instead. Optimization returns with an ITERATION_LIMIT status if the limit is exceeded. This parameter is callback settable. It can be changed from within a callback when the "where" value is "PRESOLVED", "SIMPLEX", "MIP", "MIPSOL", "MIPNODE", "BARRIER", or "MULTIOBJ" (see the Callback Codes section for more information). How to do that for the different APIs is illustrated here. In case of a remote server, the change of a parameter from within a callback may not be taken into account immediately. Note: Barrier only -BarOrder BARORDER, --BarOrder BARORDER [env var: BARORDER] (default: -1) (type: int): Chooses the barrier sparse matrix fill-reducing algorithm. A value of 0 chooses Approximate Minimum Degree ordering, while a value of 1 chooses Nested Dissection ordering. The default value of -1 chooses automatically. You should only modify this parameter if you notice that the barrier ordering phase is consuming a significant fraction of the overall barrier runtime. Note: Barrier only -BarQCPConvTol BARQCPCONVTOL, --BarQCPConvTol BARQCPCONVTOL [env var: BARQCPCONVTOL] (default: 1e-06) (type: float): When solving a QCP model, the barrier solver terminates when the relative difference between the primal and dual objective values is less than the specified tolerance (with a "GRB_OPTIMAL" status). Tightening this tolerance may lead to a more accurate solution, but it may also lead to a failure to converge. Note: Barrier only -BestBdStop BESTBDSTOP, --BestBdStop BESTBDSTOP [env var: BESTBDSTOP] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Terminates as soon as the engine determines that the best bound on the objective value is at least as good as the specified value. Optimization returns with an USER_OBJ_LIMIT status in this case. Note that you should always include a small tolerance in this value. Without this, a bound that satisfies the intended termination criterion may not actually lead to termination due to numerical round- off in the bound. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -BestObjStop BESTOBJSTOP, --BestObjStop BESTOBJSTOP [env var: BESTOBJSTOP] (default: -1e+100) (type: float): Terminate as soon as the engine finds a feasible solution whose objective value is at least as good as the specified value. Optimization returns with an USER_OBJ_LIMIT status in this case. Note that you should always include a small tolerance in this value. Without this, a solution that satisfies the intended termination criterion may not actually lead to termination due to numerical round- off in the objective. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -BranchDir BRANCHDIR, --BranchDir BRANCHDIR [env var: BRANCHDIR] (default: 0) (type: int): Determines which child node is explored first in the branch-and-cut search. The default value chooses automatically. A value of -1 will always explore the down branch first, while a value of 1 will always explore the up branch first. Changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -CSAPIAccessID CSAPIACCESSID, --CSAPIAccessID CSAPIACCESSID [env var: CSAPIACCESSID] (default: ) (type: str): A unique identifier used to authenticate an application on a Gurobi Cluster Manager. You can provide either an access ID and a secret key, or a username and password, to authenticate your connection to a Cluster Manager. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CSAPIACCESSID=YOUR_API_ID") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been started will result in an error. Note: Cluster Manager only -CSAPISecret CSAPISECRET, --CSAPISecret CSAPISECRET [env var: CSAPISECRET] (default: ) (type: str): The secret password associated with an API access ID. You can provide either an access ID and a secret key, or a username and password, to authenticate your connection to a Cluster Manager. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CSAPISECRET=YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been started will result in an error. Note: Cluster Manager only -CSAppName CSAPPNAME, --CSAppName CSAPPNAME [env var: CSAPPNAME] (default: ) (type: str): The application name which will be sent to the server to track which application is submitting the batches or jobs. Note: Cluster Manager only -CSAuthToken CSAUTHTOKEN, --CSAuthToken CSAUTHTOKEN [env var: CSAUTHTOKEN] (default: ) (type: str): When a client authenticates with a Cluster Manager using a username and password, a signed token is returned by the server to be used in further calls or command-line operations. It is used internally. Note: Cluster Manager only -CSBatchMode CSBATCHMODE, --CSBatchMode CSBATCHMODE [env var: CSBATCHMODE] (default: 0) (type: int): When set to 1, enable the local creation of models, and later submit batch-optimization jobs to the Cluster Manager. See the Batch Optimization section for more details. Note that if CSBatchMode is enabled, only batch-optimization calls are allowed. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CSBATCHMODE=1") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been started will result in an error. Note: Cluster Manager only -CSClientLog CSCLIENTLOG, --CSClientLog CSCLIENTLOG [env var: CSCLIENTLOG] (default: 0) (type: int): Turns logging on or off for Compute Server and the Web License Service (WLS). Options are off (0), only error messages (1), information and error messages (2), or (3) verbose, information, and error messages. -CSGroup CSGROUP, --CSGroup CSGROUP [env var: CSGROUP] (default: ) (type: str): Specifies one or more groups of cluster nodes to control the placement of the job. The list is a comma-separated string of group names, with optionally a priority for a group. For example, specifying "group1:10,group2:50" means that the job will run on machines of "group1" or "group2", and if the job is queued, it will have priority 10 on group1 and 50 on group2. Note that if the group is not specified, the job may run on any node. If there are no nodes in the cluster having the specified groups, the job will be rejected. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs and in particular to *Gurobi Remote Services Cluster Grouping* for more information on grouping cluster nodes. You must set this parameter through either a license file (using "GROUP=name") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -CSIdleTimeout CSIDLETIMEOUT, --CSIdleTimeout CSIDLETIMEOUT [env var: CSIDLETIMEOUT] (default: -1) (type: int): This parameter allows you to set a limit on how long a Compute Server job can sit idle before the server kills the job (in seconds). A job is considered idle if the server is not currently performing an optimization and the client has not issued any additional commands. The default value will allow a job to sit idle indefinitely in all but one circumstance. Currently the only exception is the Gurobi Instant Cloud, where the default setting will automatically impose a 30 minute idle time limit (1800 seconds). If you are using an Instant Cloud pool, the actual value will be the maximum between this parameter value and the idle timeout defined by the pool. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "IDLETIMEOUT=n") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. -CSManager CSMANAGER, --CSManager CSMANAGER [env var: CSMANAGER] (default: ) (type: str): URL of the Cluster Manager for the Remote Services cluster. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CSMANAGER=YOUR_MANAGER_URL") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been started will result in an error. Note: Cluster Manager only -CSPriority CSPRIORITY, --CSPriority CSPRIORITY [env var: CSPRIORITY] (default: 0) (type: int): The priority of the Compute Server job. Priorities must be between -100 and 100, with a default value of 0 (by convention). Higher priority jobs are chosen from the server job queue before lower priority jobs. A job with priority 100 runs immediately, bypassing the job queue and ignoring the job limit on the server. You should exercise caution with priority 100 jobs, since they can severely overload a server, which can cause jobs to fail, and in extreme cases can cause the server to crash. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "PRIORITY=n") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -CSQueueTimeout CSQUEUETIMEOUT, --CSQueueTimeout CSQUEUETIMEOUT [env var: CSQUEUETIMEOUT] (default: -1.0) (type: float): This parameter allows you to set a limit (in seconds) on how long a new Compute Server job will wait in queue before it gives up (and reports a "JOB_REJECTED" error). Note that there might be a delay of up to 20 seconds for the actual signaling of the time out. Any negative value will allow a job to sit in the Compute Server queue indefinitely. You must set this parameter through a "gurobi.lic" file (using "QUEUETIMEOUT=n") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. -CSRouter CSROUTER, --CSRouter CSROUTER [env var: CSROUTER] (default: ) (type: str): The router node for a Remote Services cluster. A router can be used to improve the robustness of a Compute Server deployment. You can refer to the router using either its name or its IP address. A typical Remote Services deployment won’t use a router, so you typically won’t need to set this parameter. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "ROUTER=name") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -CSTLSInsecure CSTLSINSECURE, --CSTLSInsecure CSTLSINSECURE [env var: CSTLSINSECURE] (default: 0) (type: int): Indicates whether the Remote Services cluster is using insecure mode in the TLS (Transport Layer Security). Leave this at its default value of 0 unless your server administrator tells you otherwise. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CSTLSINSECURE") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -CliqueCuts CLIQUECUTS, --CliqueCuts CLIQUECUTS [env var: CLIQUECUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls clique cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value choose automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. We have observed that setting this parameter to its aggressive setting can produce a significant benefit for some large set partitioning models. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -CloudAccessID CLOUDACCESSID, --CloudAccessID CLOUDACCESSID [env var: CLOUDACCESSID] (default: ) (type: str): Set this parameter to the Access ID for your Instant Cloud license when launching a new instance. You can retrieve this string from your account on the Gurobi Instant Cloud Manager website. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CLOUDACCESSID=id") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -CloudHost CLOUDHOST, --CloudHost CLOUDHOST [env var: CLOUDHOST] (default: ) (type: str): Set this parameter to the host name of the Gurobi Cloud entry point. Currently "". You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CLOUDHOST=host") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been started will result in an error. -CloudPool CLOUDPOOL, --CloudPool CLOUDPOOL [env var: CLOUDPOOL] (default: ) (type: str): Set this parameter to the name of the cloud pool you would like to use for your new Instant Cloud instance. You can browse your existing cloud pools or create new ones from your account on the Gurobi Instant Cloud Manager website. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CLOUDPOOL=pool") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -CloudSecretKey CLOUDSECRETKEY, --CloudSecretKey CLOUDSECRETKEY [env var: CLOUDSECRETKEY] (default: ) (type: str): Set this parameter to the Secret Key for your Instant Cloud license when launching a new instance. You can retrieve this string from your account on the Gurobi Instant Cloud Manager website. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "CLOUDSECRETKEY=key") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -ComputeServer COMPUTESERVER, --ComputeServer COMPUTESERVER [env var: COMPUTESERVER] (default: ) (type: str): Set this parameter to the name of a node in the Remote Services cluster where you’d like your Compute Server job to run. You can refer to the server using its name or its IP address. If you are using a non-default port, the server name should be followed by the port number (e.g., "server1:61000"). You will also need to set the ServerPassword parameter to supply the client password for the specified cluster. You can provide a comma-separated list of nodes to increase robustness. If the first node in the list doesn’t respond, the second will be tried, etc. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "COMPUTESERVER=server") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -ConcurrentJobs CONCURRENTJOBS, --ConcurrentJobs CONCURRENTJOBS [env var: CONCURRENTJOBS] (default: 0) (type: int): Enables distributed concurrent optimization, which can be used to solve LP or MIP models on multiple machines. A value of "n" causes the solver to create "n" independent models, using different parameter settings for each. Each of these models is sent to a distributed worker for processing. Optimization terminates when the first solve completes. Use the ComputeServer parameter to indicate the name of the cluster where you would like your distributed concurrent job to run (or use WorkerPool if your client machine will act as manager and you just need a pool of workers). By default, Gurobi chooses the parameter settings used for each independent solve automatically. You can create concurrent environments to choose your own parameter settings (refer to the concurrent optimization section for details). The intent of concurrent MIP solving is to introduce additional diversity into the MIP search. By bringing the resources of multiple machines to bear on a single model, this approach can sometimes solve models much faster than a single machine. The distributed concurrent solver produces a slightly different log from the standard solver, and provides different callbacks as well. Please refer to the "Distributed Algorithms" section of the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for additional details. -ConcurrentMIP CONCURRENTMIP, --ConcurrentMIP CONCURRENTMIP [env var: CONCURRENTMIP] (default: 1) (type: int): This parameter enables the concurrent MIP solver. When the parameter is set to value "n", the MIP solver performs "n" independent MIP solves in parallel, with different parameter settings for each. Optimization terminates when the first solve completes. By default, Gurobi chooses the parameter settings used for each independent solve automatically. You can create concurrent environments to choose your own parameter settings (refer to the concurrent optimization section for details). The intent of concurrent MIP solving is to introduce additional diversity into the MIP search. This approach can sometimes solve models much faster than applying all available threads to a single MIP solve, especially on very large parallel machines. The concurrent MIP solver divides available threads evenly among the independent solves. For example, if you have 6 threads available and you set ConcurrentMIP to 2, the concurrent MIP solver will allocate 3 threads to each independent solve. Note that the number of independent solves launched will not exceed the number of available threads. The concurrent MIP solver produces a slightly different log from the standard MIP solver, and provides different callbacks as well. Please refer to the concurrent optimizer discussion for additional details. Concurrent MIP is not deterministic. If runtimes for different independent solves are very similar, and if the model has multiple optimal solutions, you may get slightly different results from multiple runs on the same model. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ConcurrentMethod CONCURRENTMETHOD, --ConcurrentMethod CONCURRENTMETHOD [env var: CONCURRENTMETHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): This parameter is only evaluated when solving an LP with a concurrent solver (Method = 3 or 4). It controls which methods are run concurrently by the concurrent solver. Options are: * -1=automatic, * 0=barrier, dual, primal simplex, * 1=barrier and dual simplex, * 2=barrier and primal simplex, and * 3=dual and primal simplex. Which methods are actually run also depends on the number of threads available. -CoverCuts COVERCUTS, --CoverCuts COVERCUTS [env var: COVERCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls cover cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -Crossover CROSSOVER, --Crossover CROSSOVER [env var: CROSSOVER] (default: -1) (type: int): Determines the crossover strategy used to transform the interior solution produced by barrier into a basic solution (note that crossover is not available for QP or QCP models). Crossover consists of three phases: (i) a *primal push* phase, where primal variables are pushed to bounds, (ii) a *dual push* phase, where dual variables are pushed to bounds, and (iii) a *cleanup* phase, where simplex is used to remove any primal or dual infeasibilities that remain after the push phases are complete. The order of the first two phases and the algorithm used for the third phase are both controlled by the Crossover parameter: +-------------- -------+----------------+-----------------+----------- --+ | **Parameter value** | **First push** | **Second push** | **Cleanup** | |=====================|======== ========|=================|=============| | 0 | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled | +-------------------- -+----------------+-----------------+-------------+ | 1 | Dual | Primal | Primal | +---------------------+-- --------------+-----------------+-------------+ | 2 | Dual | Primal | Dual | +---------------------+-------- --------+-----------------+-------------+ | 3 | Primal | Dual | Primal | +---------------------+------------- ---+-----------------+-------------+ | 4 | Primal | Dual | Dual | +---------------------+---------------- +-----------------+-------------+ The default value of -1 chooses the strategy automatically. Use value 0 to disable crossover; this setting returns the interior solution computed by barrier. Note: Barrier only -CrossoverBasis CROSSOVERBASIS, --CrossoverBasis CROSSOVERBASIS [env var: CROSSOVERBASIS] (default: -1) (type: int): Determines the initial basis construction strategy for crossover. A value of 0 chooses an initial basis quickly. A value of 1 can take much longer, but often produces a more numerically stable start basis. The default value of -1 makes an automatic choice. Note: Barrier only -CutAggPasses CUTAGGPASSES, --CutAggPasses CUTAGGPASSES [env var: CUTAGGPASSES] (default: -1) (type: int): A non-negative value indicates the maximum number of constraint aggregation passes performed during cut generation. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -CutPasses CUTPASSES, --CutPasses CUTPASSES [env var: CUTPASSES] (default: -1) (type: int): A non- negative value indicates the maximum number of cutting plane passes performed during root cut generation. The default value chooses the number of cut passes automatically. In addition to cutting plane separation, each cut pass also applies heuristics and node probing and also may launch parallel root helper threads. So even when the Cuts parameter is set to 0, the cut loop will apply probing, heuristics and parallel root helpers in a single cut loop iteration. You should experiment with different values of this parameter if you notice the MIP solver spending significant time on root cut passes that have little impact on the objective bound. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -Cuts CUTS, --Cuts CUTS [env var: CUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Global cut aggressiveness setting. Use value 0 to shut off cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, 2 for aggressive cut generation, and 3 for very aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. This parameter is overridden by the parameters that control individual cut types (e.g., CliqueCuts). Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -DegenMoves DEGENMOVES, --DegenMoves DEGENMOVES [env var: DEGENMOVES] (default: -1) (type: int): Limits degenerate simplex moves. These moves are performed to improve the integrality of the current relaxation solution. By default, the algorithm chooses the number of degenerate move passes to perform automatically. The default setting generally works well, but there can be cases where an excessive amount of time is spent after the initial root relaxation has been solved but before the cut generation process or the root heuristics have started. If you see multiple ‘Total elapsed time’ messages in the log immediately after the root relaxation log, you may want to try setting this parameter to 0. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -Disconnected DISCONNECTED, --Disconnected DISCONNECTED [env var: DISCONNECTED] (default: -1) (type: int): A MIP or an LP model can sometimes be made up of multiple, completely independent sub-models. This parameter controls how aggressively we try to exploit this structure. A value of 0 ignores this structure entirely, while larger values try more aggressive approaches. The default value of -1 chooses automatically. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -DisplayInterval DISPLAYINTERVAL, --DisplayInterval DISPLAYINTERVAL [env var: DISPLAYINTERVAL] (default: 5) (type: int): Determines the frequency at which log lines are printed (in seconds). -DistributedMIPJobs DISTRIBUTEDMIPJOBS, --DistributedMIPJobs DISTRIBUTEDMIPJOBS [env var: DISTRIBUTEDMIPJOBS] (default: 0) (type: int): Enables distributed MIP. A value of "n" causes the MIP solver to divide the work of solving a MIP model among "n" machines. Use the ComputeServer parameter to indicate the name of the cluster where you would like your distributed MIP job to run (or use WorkerPool if your client machine will act as manager and you just need a pool of workers). The distributed MIP solver produces a slightly different log from the standard MIP solver, and provides different callbacks as well. Please refer to the "Distributed Algorithms" section of the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for additional details. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -DualImpliedCuts DUALIMPLIEDCUTS, --DualImpliedCuts DUALIMPLIEDCUTS [env var: DUALIMPLIEDCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls dual implied bound cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -DualReductions DUALREDUCTIONS, --DualReductions DUALREDUCTIONS [env var: DUALREDUCTIONS] (default: 1) (type: int): Determines whether dual reductions are performed during the optimization process. You should disable these reductions if you received an optimization status of INF_OR_UNBD and would like a more definitive conclusion. -FeasRelaxBigM FEASRELAXBIGM, --FeasRelaxBigM FEASRELAXBIGM [env var: FEASRELAXBIGM] (default: 1000000.0) (type: float): When relaxing a constraint in a feasibility relaxation, it is sometimes necessary to introduce a big-M value. This parameter determines the default magnitude of that value. For details about feasibility relaxations, refer to e.g. "GRBfeasrelax" in the C API. -FeasibilityTol FEASIBILITYTOL, --FeasibilityTol FEASIBILITYTOL [env var: FEASIBILITYTOL] (default: 1e-06) (type: float): All constraints must be satisfied to a tolerance of FeasibilityTol. Tightening this tolerance can produce smaller constraint violations, but for numerically challenging models it can sometimes lead to much larger iteration counts. -FlowCoverCuts FLOWCOVERCUTS, --FlowCoverCuts FLOWCOVERCUTS [env var: FLOWCOVERCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls flow cover cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -FlowPathCuts FLOWPATHCUTS, --FlowPathCuts FLOWPATHCUTS [env var: FLOWPATHCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls flow path cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -FuncMaxVal FUNCMAXVAL, --FuncMaxVal FUNCMAXVAL [env var: FUNCMAXVAL] (default: 1000000.0) (type: float): Very large values in piecewise-linear approximations can cause numerical issues. This parameter limits the bounds on the variables that participate in function constraints approximated by a piecewise- linear function. Specifically, any bound larger than "FuncMaxVal" (in absolute value) on the variables participating in such a function constraint will be truncated. If the FuncNonlinear attribute of the constraint is set to 1, or if it is set to -1 and the global FuncNonlinear parameter is set to 1, the function constraint is not approximated by a piecewise-linear function and the "FuncMaxVal" parameter does not apply. -FuncNonlinear FUNCNONLINEAR, --FuncNonlinear FUNCNONLINEAR [env var: FUNCNONLINEAR] (default: 1) (type: int): This parameter controls whether general function constraints with their FuncNonlinear attribute set to -1 are replaced with a static piecewise-linear approximation (0), or handled inside the branch-and- bound tree using a dynamic outer-approximation approach (1). See the discussion of function constraints for more information. -FuncPieceError FUNCPIECEERROR, --FuncPieceError FUNCPIECEERROR [env var: FUNCPIECEERROR] (default: 0.001) (type: float): If the FuncPieces parameter is set to value -1 or -2, this attribute provides the maximum allowed error (absolute for -1, relative for -2) in the piecewise-linear approximation. -FuncPieceLength FUNCPIECELENGTH, --FuncPieceLength FUNCPIECELENGTH [env var: FUNCPIECELENGTH] (default: 0.01) (type: float): If the FuncPieces parameter is set to value 1, this parameter gives the length of each piece of the piecewise-linear approximation. -FuncPieceRatio FUNCPIECERATIO, --FuncPieceRatio FUNCPIECERATIO [env var: FUNCPIECERATIO] (default: -1.0) (type: float): This parameter controls whether the piecewise- linear approximation of a function constraint is an underestimate of the function, an overestimate, or somewhere in between. A value of 0.0 will always underestimate, while a value of 1.0 will always overestimate. A value in between will interpolate between the underestimate and the overestimate. A special value of -1 chooses points that are on the original function. The behaviour is not defined for other negative values. See the discussion of function constraints for more information. -FuncPieces FUNCPIECES, --FuncPieces FUNCPIECES [env var: FUNCPIECES] (default: 0) (type: int): This parameter sets the strategy used for performing a piecewise- linear approximation of a function constraint. There are a few options: * **FuncPieces >= 2**: Sets the number of pieces; pieces are equal width. * **FuncPieces = 1**: Uses a fixed width for each piece; the actual width is provided in the FuncPieceLength parameter. * **FuncPieces = 0**: Default value; chooses automatically. Currently it uses the relative error approach for the approximation, while for version 10.0 or earlier it mainly uses the number of function constraints to set the total number of pieces. * **FuncPieces = -1**: Bounds the absolute error of the approximation; the error bound is provided in the FuncPieceError parameter. * **FuncPieces = -2**: Bounds the relative error of the approximation; the error bound is provided in the FuncPieceError parameter. This parameter only applies to function constraints whose FuncPieces attribute has been set to 0. See the discussion of function constraints for more information. -GUBCoverCuts GUBCOVERCUTS, --GUBCoverCuts GUBCOVERCUTS [env var: GUBCOVERCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls GUB cover cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -GomoryPasses GOMORYPASSES, --GomoryPasses GOMORYPASSES [env var: GOMORYPASSES] (default: -1) (type: int): A non-negative value indicates the maximum number of Gomory cut passes performed. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -Heuristics HEURISTICS, --Heuristics HEURISTICS [env var: HEURISTICS] (default: 0.05) (type: float): Determines the amount of time spent in MIP heuristics. You can think of the value as the desired fraction of total MIP runtime devoted to heuristics (so by default, we aim to spend 5% of runtime on heuristics). Larger values produce more and better feasible solutions, at a cost of slower progress in the best bound. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -IISMethod IISMETHOD, --IISMethod IISMETHOD [env var: IISMETHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): Chooses the IIS method to use. To compute an IIS for an LP, it is sufficient to solve an LP with dimensions similar to the dual of the original model. If the solve time for that LP is excessive, setting the IISMethod parameter to 1 may offer a faster alternative; other settings do not alter the default approach for infeasible LPs. For MIPs, filtering of constraints and variables is required, which involves solving a series of related MIP subproblems. Methods 0-2 all use filtering techniques. Method 0 is often faster than method 1, but may produce a larger IIS. Method 2 ignores the bound constraints. It therefore tends to be faster than methods 0-1, but will fail if these bounds are necessary to make the problem infeasible. Method 3 will return the IIS for the LP relaxation of a MIP model if the relaxation is infeasible, even though the result may not be minimal when integrality constraints are included. The default value of -1 chooses automatically. -IgnoreNames IGNORENAMES, --IgnoreNames IGNORENAMES [env var: IGNORENAMES] (default: 0) (type: int): This parameter affects how Gurobi deals with names. If set to 1, subsequent calls to add variables or constraints to the model will ignore the associated names. Names for objectives and the model will also be ignored. In addition, subsequent calls to modify name attributes will have no effect. Note that variables or constraints that had names at the point this parameter was changed to 1 will retain their names. If you wish to discard all name information, you should set this parameter to 1 before adding variables or constraints to the model. In addition, the parameter affects the behavior of the write functions (e.g. "GRBwrite" in C, or "Model.write" in Python). If "IgnoreNames" is set to 1, Gurobi uses default names when writing the file. This can be useful if you have a model with names and want to write the model, the attributes, a MIP start file, or other information to disk without including variable and constraint names in the files. -ImpliedCuts IMPLIEDCUTS, --ImpliedCuts IMPLIEDCUTS [env var: IMPLIEDCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls implied bound cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ImproveStartGap IMPROVESTARTGAP, --ImproveStartGap IMPROVESTARTGAP [env var: IMPROVESTARTGAP] (default: 0.0) (type: float): The MIP solver can change parameter settings in the middle of the search in order to adopt a strategy that gives up on moving the best bound and instead devotes all of its effort towards finding better feasible solutions. This parameter allows you to specify an optimality gap at which the MIP solver switches to a solution improvement strategy. For example, setting this parameter to 0.1 will cause the MIP solver to switch strategies once the relative optimality gap is smaller than 0.1. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ImproveStartNodes IMPROVESTARTNODES, --ImproveStartNodes IMPROVESTARTNODES [env var: IMPROVESTARTNODES] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): The MIP solver can change parameter settings in the middle of the search in order to adopt a strategy that gives up on moving the best bound and instead devotes all of its effort towards finding better feasible solutions. This parameter allows you to specify the node count at which the MIP solver switches to a solution improvement strategy. For example, setting this parameter to 10 will cause the MIP solver to switch strategies once the node count is larger than 10. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ImproveStartTime IMPROVESTARTTIME, --ImproveStartTime IMPROVESTARTTIME [env var: IMPROVESTARTTIME] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): The MIP solver can change parameter settings in the middle of the search in order to adopt a strategy that gives up on moving the best bound and instead devotes all of its effort towards finding better feasible solutions. This parameter allows you to specify the time when the MIP solver switches to a solution improvement strategy. For example, setting this parameter to 10 will cause the MIP solver to switch strategies 10 seconds after starting the optimization. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -InfProofCuts INFPROOFCUTS, --InfProofCuts INFPROOFCUTS [env var: INFPROOFCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls infeasibility proof cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -InfUnbdInfo INFUNBDINFO, --InfUnbdInfo INFUNBDINFO [env var: INFUNBDINFO] (default: 0) (type: int): Set this parameter if you want to query the unbounded ray for unbounded models (through the UnbdRay attribute), or the infeasibility proof for infeasible models (through the FarkasDual and FarkasProof attributes). When this parameter is set additional information will be computed when a model is determined to be infeasible or unbounded, and a simplex basis is available (from simplex or crossover). Note that if a model is determined to be infeasible or unbounded when solving with barrier, prior to crossover, then this additional information will not be available. Note that if a model is found to be either infeasible or unbounded, and you simply want to know which one it is, you should use the DualReductions parameter instead. It performs much less additional computation. Note: Only affects linear programming (LP) models -IntFeasTol INTFEASTOL, --IntFeasTol INTFEASTOL [env var: INTFEASTOL] (default: 1e-05) (type: float): An integrality restriction on a variable is considered satisfied when the variable’s value is less than IntFeasTol from the nearest integer value. Tightening this tolerance can produce smaller integrality violations, but very tight tolerances may significantly increase runtime. Loosening this tolerance rarely reduces runtime. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -IntegralityFocus INTEGRALITYFOCUS, --IntegralityFocus INTEGRALITYFOCUS [env var: INTEGRALITYFOCUS] (default: 0) (type: int): One unfortunate reality in MIP is that integer variables don’t always take exact integral values. While this typically doesn’t create significant problems, in some situations the side-effects can be quite undesirable. The best-known example is probably a *trickle flow*, where a continuous variable that is meant to be zero when an associated binary variable is zero instead takes a non-trivial value. More precisely, given a constraint y \leq M b, where y is a non- negative continuous variable, b is a binary variable, and M is a constant that captures the largest possible value of y, the constraint is intended to enforce the relationship that y must be zero if b is zero. With the default integer feasibility tolerance, the binary variable is allowed to take a value as large as 1e-5 while still being considered as taking value zero. If the M value is large, then the M b upper bound on the y variable can be substantial. Reducing the value of the IntFeasTol parameter can mitigate the effects of such trickle flows, but often at a significant cost, and often with limited success. The IntegralityFocus parameter provides a better alternative. Setting this parameter to 1 requests that the solver work harder to try to avoid solutions that exploit integrality tolerances. More precisely, the solver tries to find solutions that are still (nearly) feasible if all integer variables are rounded to exact integral values. We should say that the solver won’t always succeed in finding such solutions, and that this setting introduces a modest performance penalty, but the setting will significantly reduce the frequency and magnitude of such violations. -IterationLimit ITERATIONLIMIT, --IterationLimit ITERATIONLIMIT [env var: ITERATIONLIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits the number of simplex iterations performed. The limit applies to MIP, barrier crossover, and simplex. Optimization returns with an ITERATION_LIMIT status if the limit is exceeded. -JSONSolDetail JSONSOLDETAIL, --JSONSolDetail JSONSOLDETAIL [env var: JSONSOLDETAIL] (default: 0) (type: int): This parameter controls the amount of detail included in a JSON solution. For example, when this parameter is set to 1, the JSON string will contain data for all of the variables, even those with solution value 0. For a precise description of the contents of the resulting JSON string, please refer to the JSON solution format section. -JobID JOBID, --JobID JOBID [env var: JOBID] (default: ) (type: str): If you are running on a Compute Server, this parameter provides the Compute Server Job ID for the current job. Note that this is a read- only parameter. -LPWarmStart LPWARMSTART, --LPWarmStart LPWARMSTART [env var: LPWARMSTART] (default: 1) (type: int): Controls whether and how Gurobi uses warm start information for an LP optimization. The non default setting of 2 is particularly useful for communicating advanced start information while retaining the performance benefits of presolve. A warm start can consist of any combination of basis statuses, a primal start vector, or a dual start vector. It is specified using the attributes VBasis and CBasis or PStart and DStart on the original model. As a general rule, setting this parameter to 0 ignores any start information and solves the model from scratch. Setting it to 1 (the default) uses the provided warm start information to solve the original, unpresolved problem, regardless of whether presolve is enabled. Setting it to 2 uses the start information to solve the presolved problem, assuming that presolve is enabled. This involves mapping the solution of the original problem into an equivalent (or sometimes nearly equivalent) crushed solution of the presolved problem. If presolve is disabled, then setting 2 still prioritizes start vectors, while setting 1 prioritizes basis statuses. Taken together, the LPWarmStart parameter setting, the LP algorithm specified by Gurobi’s Method parameter, and the available advanced start information determine whether Gurobi will use basis statuses only, basis statuses augmented with information from start vectors, or a basis obtained by applying the crossover method to the provided primal and dual start vectors to jump start the optimization. When Gurobi’s Method parameter requests the barrier solver, primal and dual start vectors are prioritized over basis statuses (but only if you provide both). These start vectors are fed to the crossover procedure. This is the same crossover that is used to compute a basic solution from the interior solution produced by the core barrier algorithm, but in this case crossover is started from arbitrary start vectors. If you set the LPWarmStart parameter to 1, crossover will be invoked on the original model using the provided vectors. Any provided basis information will not be used in this case. If you set LPWarmStart to 2, crossover will be invoked on the presolved model using crushed start vectors. If you set the parameter to 2 and provide a basis but no start vectors, the basis will be used to compute the corresponding primal and dual solutions on the original model. Those solutions will then be crushed and used as primal and dual start vectors for the crossover, which will then construct a basis for the presolved model. Note that for all of these settings and start combinations, no barrier algorithm iterations are performed. The simplex algorithms provide more warm-starting options. With a parameter value of 1, simplex will start from a provided basis, if available. Otherwise, it uses a provided start vector to refine the crash basis it computes. Primal simplex will use PStart and dual simplex will use DStart in this refinement process. With a value of 2, simplex will use the crushed start vector on the presolved model (PStart for primal simplex, DStart for dual) to refine the crash basis. This is true regardless of whether the start is derived from start vectors or a starting basis from the original model. The difference is that if you provide an advanced basis, the basis will be used to compute the corresponding primal and dual solutions on the original model from which the primal or dual start on the presolved model will be derived. Note: Only affects linear programming (LP) models -LazyConstraints LAZYCONSTRAINTS, --LazyConstraints LAZYCONSTRAINTS [env var: LAZYCONSTRAINTS] (default: 0) (type: int): Programs that add lazy constraints through a callback must set this parameter to value 1. The parameter tells the Gurobi algorithms to avoid certain reductions and transformations that are incompatible with lazy constraints. Note that if you use lazy constraints by setting the Lazy attribute (and not through a callback), there’s no need to set this parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -LicenseID LICENSEID, --LicenseID LICENSEID [env var: LICENSEID] (default: 0) (type: int): When using a WLS license, set this parameter to the license ID. You can retrieve this value from your account on the Gurobi Web License Manager site. -LiftProjectCuts LIFTPROJECTCUTS, --LiftProjectCuts LIFTPROJECTCUTS [env var: LIFTPROJECTCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls lift-and-project cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -LogFile LOGFILE, --LogFile LOGFILE [env var: LOGFILE] (default: ) (type: str): Determines the name of the Gurobi log file. Modifying this parameter closes the current log file and opens the specified file. Use an empty string for no log file. Use OutputFlag to shut off all logging. -LogToConsole LOGTOCONSOLE, --LogToConsole LOGTOCONSOLE [env var: LOGTOCONSOLE] (default: 1) (type: int): Enables or disables console logging. Note that this refers to the output of Gurobi to the console. This includes the various display and print functions provided by the API in interactive environments. Use OutputFlag to shut off all logging. -MIPFocus MIPFOCUS, --MIPFocus MIPFOCUS [env var: MIPFOCUS] (default: 0) (type: int): The MIPFocus parameter allows you to modify your high- level solution strategy, depending on your goals. By default, the Gurobi MIP solver strikes a balance between finding new feasible solutions and proving that the current solution is optimal. If you are more interested in finding feasible solutions quickly, you can select "MIPFocus=1". If you believe the solver is having no trouble finding good quality solutions, and wish to focus more attention on proving optimality, select "MIPFocus=2". If the best objective bound is moving very slowly (or not at all), you may want to try "MIPFocus=3" to focus on the bound. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MIPGap MIPGAP, --MIPGap MIPGAP [env var: MIPGAP] (default: 0.0001) (type: float): The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGap times the absolute value of the incumbent objective value. More precisely, if z_P is the primal objective bound (i.e., the incumbent objective value, which is the upper bound for minimization problems), and z_D is the dual objective bound (i.e., the lower bound for minimization problems), then the MIP gap is defined as gap = \vert z_P - z_D\vert / \vert z_P\vert. Note that if z_P = z_D = 0, then the gap is defined to be zero. If z_P = 0 and z_D \neq 0, the gap is defined to be infinity. For most models, z_P and z_D will have the same sign throughout the optimization process, and then the gap is monotonically decreasing. But if z_P and z_D have opposite signs, the relative gap may increase after finding a new incumbent solution, even though the absolute gap \vert z_P - z_D\vert has decreased. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MIPGapAbs MIPGAPABS, --MIPGapAbs MIPGAPABS [env var: MIPGAPABS] (default: 1e-10) (type: float): The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGapAbs. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MIPSepCuts MIPSEPCUTS, --MIPSepCuts MIPSEPCUTS [env var: MIPSEPCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls MIP separation cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MIQCPMethod MIQCPMETHOD, --MIQCPMethod MIQCPMETHOD [env var: MIQCPMETHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the method used to solve MIQCP models. Value 1 uses a linearized, outer-approximation approach, while value 0 solves continuous QCP relaxations at each node. The default setting (-1) chooses automatically. Note: Only affects MIQCP models -MIRCuts MIRCUTS, --MIRCuts MIRCUTS [env var: MIRCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls Mixed Integer Rounding (MIR) cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MarkowitzTol MARKOWITZTOL, --MarkowitzTol MARKOWITZTOL [env var: MARKOWITZTOL] (default: 0.0078125) (type: float): The Markowitz tolerance is used to limit numerical error in the simplex algorithm. Specifically, larger values reduce the error introduced in the simplex basis factorization. A larger value may avoid numerical problems in rare situations, but it will also harm performance. -MemLimit MEMLIMIT, --MemLimit MEMLIMIT [env var: MEMLIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits the total amount of memory (in GB, i.e., 10^9 bytes) available to Gurobi. If more is needed, Gurobi will fail with an OUT_OF_MEMORY error. Note that it is not possible to retrieve solution information after an error termination. Thus, the behavior of this parameter is different from that of other termination criteria like SoftMemLimit, TimeLimit, or NodeLimit, where the solver will terminate with a Status Code and solution information will still be available. One advantage of using this parameter rather than the similar SoftMemLimit is that MemLimit is checked after every memory allocation, so Gurobi will terminate at precisely the point where the limit is exceeded. Note that allocated memory is tracked across all models within a Gurobi environment. If you create multiple models in one environment, these additional models will count towards overall memory consumption. Memory usage is also tracked across all threads. One consequence of this is that termination may be non- deterministic for multi-threaded runs. -Method METHOD, --Method METHOD [env var: METHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): Algorithm used to solve continuous models or the initial root relaxation of a MIP model. Options are: * -1=automatic, * 0=primal simplex, * 1=dual simplex, * 2=barrier, * 3=concurrent, * 4=deterministic concurrent, and * 5=deterministic concurrent simplex (deprecated; see ConcurrentMethod). Available settings and default behaviour depend on the model type or the type of the initial root relaxation. In the current release, the default Automatic ("Method=-1") setting will typically choose non- deterministic concurrent ("Method=3") for an LP, barrier ("Method=2") for a QP or QCP, and dual ("Method=1") for the MIP root relaxation. If the size of the MIP root relaxation is large, then it will often select deterministic concurrent ("Method=4") or deterministic concurrent simplex ("Method=5"). Concurrent methods aren’t available for QP and QCP. Only the simplex and barrier algorithms are available for continuous QP models. If you select barrier ("Method=2") to solve the root of an MIQP model, then you need to also select barrier for the node relaxations (i.e. set NodeMethod=2). Only barrier is available for continuous QCP models. However if you choose LP relaxations for solving MIQCP, you can also select the simplex algorithms ("Method=0" or "Method=1"). Concurrent optimizers run multiple solvers on multiple threads simultaneously and choose the one that finishes first. The solvers that are run concurrently can be controlled with the ConcurrentMethod parameter. The deterministic options ("Method=4" and "Method=5") give the exact same result each time, while the non-deterministic option ("Method=3") is often faster but can produce different optimal bases when run multiple times. The default setting is rarely significantly slower than the best possible setting, so you generally won’t see a big gain from changing this parameter. There are classes of models where one particular algorithm is consistently fastest, though, so you may want to experiment with different options when confronted with a particularly difficult model. Note that if memory is tight on an LP model, you should consider using the dual simplex method ("Method=1"). The concurrent optimizer, which is typically chosen when using the default setting, consumes a lot more memory than dual simplex alone. In multiobjective LP optimization: * The first objective is solved using LP defaults. It can be set by the user using the "Method" parameter. * Subsequent objectives are solved by default using primal simplex to allow for warm starting. The algorithm used here can be controlled using MultiObjMethod. -MinRelNodes MINRELNODES, --MinRelNodes MINRELNODES [env var: MINRELNODES] (default: -1) (type: int): Number of nodes to explore in the minimum relaxation heuristic. This heuristic is quite expensive, and generally produces poor quality solutions. You should generally only use it if other means, including exploration of the tree with default settings, fail to produce a feasible solution. The default value automatically chooses whether to apply the heuristic. It will only rarely choose to do so. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MixingCuts MIXINGCUTS, --MixingCuts MIXINGCUTS [env var: MIXINGCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls Mixing cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ModKCuts MODKCUTS, --ModKCuts MODKCUTS [env var: MODKCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls mod-k cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -MultiObjMethod MULTIOBJMETHOD, --MultiObjMethod MULTIOBJMETHOD [env var: MULTIOBJMETHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): When solving a continuous multi-objective model using a hierarchical approach, the model is solved once for each objective. The algorithm used to solve for the highest priority objective is controlled by the Method parameter. This parameter determines the algorithm used to solve for subsequent objectives. As with the Method parameters, values of 0 and 1 use primal and dual simplex, respectively. A value of 2 indicates that warm-start information from previous solves should be discarded, and the model should be solved from scratch (using the algorithm indicated by the Method parameter). The default setting of -1 usually chooses primal simplex. Note: Only affects continuous multi-objective models -MultiObjPre MULTIOBJPRE, --MultiObjPre MULTIOBJPRE [env var: MULTIOBJPRE] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the initial presolve level used for multi- objective models. Value 0 disables the initial presolve, value 1 applies presolve conservatively, and value 2 applies presolve aggressively. The default -1 value usually applies presolve conservatively. Aggressive presolve may increase the chance of the objective values being slightly different than those for other options. Note: Only affects multi-objective models -NLPHeur NLPHEUR, --NLPHeur NLPHEUR [env var: NLPHEUR] (default: 1) (type: int): The NLP heuristic uses a non-linear barrier solver to find feasible solutions to non-convex quadratic models. It can often find solutions much more quickly than the alternative, but in some cases it can consume significant runtime without producing a solution. By default, the heuristic is enabled (1). Use 0 to disable the heuristic. Note: Only affects models with nonconvex quadratic expressions in the objective or constraints -NetworkAlg NETWORKALG, --NetworkAlg NETWORKALG [env var: NETWORKALG] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls whether to use network simplex. Value 0 doesn’t use network simplex. Value 1 indicates to use network simplex, if an LP is a network problem. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Note: Only affects linear programming (LP) models -NetworkCuts NETWORKCUTS, --NetworkCuts NETWORKCUTS [env var: NETWORKCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls network cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NoRelHeurTime NORELHEURTIME, --NoRelHeurTime NORELHEURTIME [env var: NORELHEURTIME] (default: 0.0) (type: float): Limits the amount of time (in seconds) spent in the NoRel heuristic. This heuristic searches for high- quality feasible solutions before solving the root relaxation. It can be quite useful on models where the root relaxation is particularly expensive. Note that this parameter will introduce non-determinism - different runs may take different paths. Use the NoRelHeurWork parameter for deterministic results. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NoRelHeurWork NORELHEURWORK, --NoRelHeurWork NORELHEURWORK [env var: NORELHEURWORK] (default: 0.0) (type: float): Limits the amount of work spent in the NoRel heuristic. This heuristic searches for high-quality feasible solutions before solving the root relaxation. It can be quite useful on models where the root relaxation is particularly expensive. The work metric used in this parameter is tough to define precisely. A single unit corresponds to roughly a second, but this will depend on the machine, the core count, and in some cases the model. You may need to experiment to find a good setting for your model. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NodeLimit NODELIMIT, --NodeLimit NODELIMIT [env var: NODELIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits the number of MIP nodes explored. Optimization returns with an NODE_LIMIT status if the limit is exceeded. Note that if multiple threads are used for the optimization, the actual number of explored nodes may be slightly larger than the set limit. This parameter is callback settable. It can be changed from within a callback when the "where" value is "PRESOLVED", "SIMPLEX", "MIP", "MIPSOL", "MIPNODE", "BARRIER", or "MULTIOBJ" (see the Callback Codes section for more information). How to do that for the different APIs is illustrated here. In case of a remote server, the change of a parameter from within a callback may not be taken into account immediately. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NodeMethod NODEMETHOD, --NodeMethod NODEMETHOD [env var: NODEMETHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): Algorithm used for MIP node relaxations (except for the initial root node relaxation, see Method). Options are: -1=automatic, 0=primal simplex, 1=dual simplex, and 2=barrier. Note that barrier is not an option for MIQP node relaxations. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NodefileDir NODEFILEDIR, --NodefileDir NODEFILEDIR [env var: NODEFILEDIR] (default: .) (type: str): Determines the directory into which nodes are written when node memory usage exceeds the specified NodefileStart value. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NodefileStart NODEFILESTART, --NodefileStart NODEFILESTART [env var: NODEFILESTART] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): If you find that the Gurobi Optimizer exhausts memory when solving a MIP, you should modify the "NodefileStart" parameter. When the amount of memory used to store nodes (measured in GB, i.e., 10^9 bytes) exceeds the specified parameter value, nodes are compressed and written to disk. We recommend a setting of "0.5", but you may wish to choose a different value, depending on the memory available in your machine. By default, nodes are written to the current working directory. The NodefileDir parameter can be used to choose a different location. If you still exhaust memory after setting the "NodefileStart" parameter to a small value, you should try limiting the thread count. Each thread in parallel MIP requires a copy of the model, as well as several other large data structures. Reducing the Threads parameter can sometimes significantly reduce memory usage. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -NonConvex NONCONVEX, --NonConvex NONCONVEX [env var: NONCONVEX] (default: -1) (type: int): Sets the strategy for handling non-convex quadratic objectives or non- convex quadratic constraints. With setting 0, an error is reported if the original user model contains non-convex quadratic constructs (unless Q matrix linearization, as controlled by the PreQLinearize parameter, removes the non-convexity). With setting 1, an error is reported if non-convex quadratic constructs could not be discarded or linearized during presolve. With setting 2, non-convex quadratic problems are solved by translating them into bilinear form and applying spatial branching. The default -1 setting is currently almost equivalent to 2, except that it takes less care to avoid presolve reductions that might transform a convex constraint into one that can no longer be detected to be convex, and thus can sometimes perform more presolve reductions. Note: Only affects QP, QCP, MIQP, and MIQCP models -NormAdjust NORMADJUST, --NormAdjust NORMADJUST [env var: NORMADJUST] (default: -1) (type: int): Chooses from among multiple pricing norm variants. The details of how this parameter affects the simplex pricing algorithm are subtle and difficult to describe, so we’ve simply labeled the options 0 through 3. The default value of -1 chooses automatically. Changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. -NumericFocus NUMERICFOCUS, --NumericFocus NUMERICFOCUS [env var: NUMERICFOCUS] (default: 0) (type: int): The NumericFocus parameter controls the degree to which the code attempts to detect and manage numerical issues. The default setting (0) makes an automatic choice, with a slight preference for speed. Settings 1-3 increasingly shift the focus towards being more careful in numerical computations. With higher values, the code will spend more time checking the numerical accuracy of intermediate results, and it will employ more expensive techniques in order to avoid potential numerical issues. -OBBT OBBT, --OBBT OBBT [env var: OBBT] (default: -1) (type: int): Value 0 disables optimality-based bound tightening (OBBT). Levels 1-3 describe the amount of work allowed for OBBT ranging from moderate to aggressive. The default -1 value is an automatic setting which chooses a rather moderate setting. -ObjNumber OBJNUMBER, --ObjNumber OBJNUMBER [env var: OBJNUMBER] (default: 0) (type: int): When working with multiple objectives, this parameter selects the index of the objective you want to work with. When you query or modify an attribute associated with multiple objectives (ObjN, ObjNVal, etc.), the ObjNumber parameter will determine which objective is actually affected. The value of this parameter should be less than the value of the NumObj attribute (which captures the number of objectives in the model). Please refer to the discussion of Multiple Objectives for more information on the use of alternative objectives. -ObjScale OBJSCALE, --ObjScale OBJSCALE [env var: OBJSCALE] (default: 0.0) (type: float): When positive, divides the model objective by the specified value to avoid numerical issues that may result from very large or very small objective coefficients. The default value of 0 decides on the scaling automatically. A value less than zero uses the maximum coefficient to the specified power as the scaling (so "ObjScale=-0.5" would scale by the square root of the largest objective coefficient). Note that objective scaling can lead to large dual violations on the original, unscaled objective when the optimality tolerance with the scaled objective is barely satisfied, so it should be used sparingly. Note also that scaling will be more effective when all objective coefficients are of similar orders of magnitude, as opposed to objectives with a wide range of coefficients. In the latter case, consider using the Multiple Objectives feature instead. -OptimalityTol OPTIMALITYTOL, --OptimalityTol OPTIMALITYTOL [env var: OPTIMALITYTOL] (default: 1e-06) (type: float): For the simplex algorithm and crossover, reduced costs must all be smaller than OptimalityTol in the improving direction in order for a model to be declared optimal. -OutputFlag OUTPUTFLAG, --OutputFlag OUTPUTFLAG [env var: OUTPUTFLAG] (default: 1) (type: int): Enables or disables solver output. Use LogFile and LogToConsole for finer-grain control. Setting OutputFlag to 0 is equivalent to setting LogFile to """" and LogToConsole to 0. Note that server-side logging is always active for remote jobs run on Gurobi Instant Cloud, Compute Server, or Cluster Manager. This is not impacted by any user parameter settings. -PSDCuts PSDCUTS, --PSDCuts PSDCUTS [env var: PSDCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls PSD cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects models with nonconvex quadratic expressions in the objective or constraints -PSDTol PSDTOL, --PSDTol PSDTOL [env var: PSDTOL] (default: 1e-06) (type: float): Sets a limit on the amount of diagonal perturbation that the optimizer is allowed to perform on a Q matrix in order to correct minor PSD violations. If a larger perturbation is required, the optimizer will terminate with a Q_NOT_PSD error. Note: Only affects QP, QCP, MIQP, and MIQCP models -PartitionPlace PARTITIONPLACE, --PartitionPlace PARTITIONPLACE [env var: PARTITIONPLACE] (default: 15) (type: int): Setting the Partition attribute on at least one variable in a model enables the partitioning heuristic, which uses large-neighborhood search to try to improve the current incumbent solution. This parameter determines where that heuristic runs. Options are: * Before the root relaxation is solved (16) * At the start of the root cut loop (8) * At the end of the root cut loop (4) * At the nodes of the branch-and-cut search (2) * When the branch-and-cut search terminates (1) The parameter value is a bit vector, where each bit turns the heuristic on or off at that place. The numerical values next to the options listed above indicate which bit controls the corresponding option. Thus, for example, to enable the heuristic at the beginning and end of the root cut loop (and nowhere else), you would set the 8 bit and the 4 bit to 1, which would correspond to a parameter value of 12. The default value of 15 indicates that we enable every option except the first one listed above. -PerturbValue PERTURBVALUE, --PerturbValue PERTURBVALUE [env var: PERTURBVALUE] (default: 0.0002) (type: float): Magnitude of the simplex perturbation. Note that perturbation is only applied when progress has stalled, so the parameter will often have no effect. -PoolGap POOLGAP, --PoolGap POOLGAP [env var: POOLGAP] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Determines how large a (relative) gap to tolerate in stored solutions. When this parameter is set to a non- default value, solutions whose objective values exceed that of the best known solution by more than the specified (relative) gap are discarded. For example, if the MIP solver has found a solution at objective 100, then a setting of "PoolGap=0.2" would discard solutions with objective worse than 120 (assuming a minimization objective). Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -PoolGapAbs POOLGAPABS, --PoolGapAbs POOLGAPABS [env var: POOLGAPABS] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Determines how large a (absolute) gap to tolerate in stored solutions. When this parameter is set to a non- default value, solutions whose objective values exceed that of the best known solution by more than the specified (absolute) gap are discarded. For example, if the MIP solver has found a solution at objective 100, then a setting of "PoolGapAbs=20" would discard solutions with objective worse than 120 (assuming a minimization objective). Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -PoolSearchMode POOLSEARCHMODE, --PoolSearchMode POOLSEARCHMODE [env var: POOLSEARCHMODE] (default: 0) (type: int): Selects different modes for exploring the MIP search tree. With the default setting ("PoolSearchMode=0"), the MIP solver tries to find an optimal solution to the model. It keeps other solutions found along the way, but those are incidental. By setting this parameter to a non- default value, the MIP search will continue after the optimal solution has been found in order to find additional, high-quality solutions. With a non-default value ("PoolSearchMode=1" or "PoolSearchMode=2"), the MIP solver will try to find "n" solutions, where "n" is determined by the value of the PoolSolutions parameter. With a setting of 1, there are no guarantees about the quality of the extra solutions, while with a setting of 2, the solver will find the "n" best solutions. The cost of the solve will increase with increasing values of this parameter. Once optimization is complete, the PoolObjBound attribute can be used to evaluate the quality of the solutions that were found. For example, a value of "PoolObjBound=100" indicates that there are no other solutions with objective better 100, and thus that any known solutions with objective better than 100 are better than any as-yet undiscovered solutions. See Solution Pool for more information about solution pools, including subtleties and limitations. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -PoolSolutions POOLSOLUTIONS, --PoolSolutions POOLSOLUTIONS [env var: POOLSOLUTIONS] (default: 10) (type: int): Determines how many MIP solutions are stored. For the default value of PoolSearchMode, these are just the solutions that are found along the way in the process of exploring the MIP search tree. For other values of PoolSearchMode, this parameter sets a target for how many solutions to find, so larger values will impact performance. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -PreCrush PRECRUSH, --PreCrush PRECRUSH [env var: PRECRUSH] (default: 0) (type: int): Shuts off a few reductions in order to allow presolve to transform any constraint on the original model into an equivalent constraint on the presolved model. You should consider setting this parameter to 1 if you are using callbacks to add your own cuts. A cut that cannot be applied to the presolved model will be silently ignored. The impact on the size of the presolved problem is usually small. -PreDepRow PREDEPROW, --PreDepRow PREDEPROW [env var: PREDEPROW] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the presolve dependent row reduction, which eliminates linearly dependent constraints from the constraint matrix. The default setting (-1) applies the reduction to continuous models but not to MIP models. Setting 0 turns the reduction off for all models. Setting 1 turns it on for all models. -PreDual PREDUAL, --PreDual PREDUAL [env var: PREDUAL] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls whether presolve forms the dual of a continuous model. Depending on the structure of the model, solving the dual can reduce overall solution time. The default setting uses a heuristic to decide. Setting 0 forbids presolve from forming the dual, while setting 1 forces it to take the dual. Setting 2 employs a more expensive heuristic that forms both the presolved primal and dual models (on two threads), and heuristically chooses one of them. Note: Mainly affects LP, QP, and QCP models, but it is also used for the initial root relaxation of mixed integer programs. -PreMIQCPForm PREMIQCPFORM, --PreMIQCPForm PREMIQCPFORM [env var: PREMIQCPFORM] (default: -1) (type: int): Determines the format of the presolved version of an MIQCP model. Option 0 leaves the model in MIQCP form, so the branch-and-cut algorithm will operate on a model with arbitrary quadratic constraints. Option 1 always transforms the model into MISOCP form; quadratic constraints are transformed into second- order cone constraints. Option 2 always transforms the model into disaggregated MISOCP form; quadratic constraints are transformed into rotated cone constraints, where each rotated cone contains two terms and involves only three variables. The default setting (-1) choose automatically. The automatic setting works well, but there are cases where forcing a different form can be beneficial. Note: Only affects MIQCP models -PrePasses PREPASSES, --PrePasses PREPASSES [env var: PREPASSES] (default: -1) (type: int): Limits the number of passes performed by presolve. The default setting (-1) chooses the number of passes automatically. You should experiment with this parameter when you find that presolve is consuming a large fraction of total solve time. -PreQLinearize PREQLINEARIZE, --PreQLinearize PREQLINEARIZE [env var: PREQLINEARIZE] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls presolve Q matrix linearization. Binary variables in quadratic expressions provide some freedom to state the same expression in multiple different ways. Options 1 and 2 of this parameter attempt to linearize quadratic constraints or a quadratic objective, replacing quadratic terms with linear terms, using additional variables and linear constraints. This can potentially transform an MIQP or MIQCP model into an MILP. Option 1 focuses on producing an MILP reformulation with a strong LP relaxation, with a goal of limiting the size of the MIP search tree. Option 2 aims for a compact reformulation, with a goal of reducing the cost of each node. Option 0 attempts to leave Q matrices unmodified; it won’t add variables or constraints, but it may still perform adjustments on quadratic objective functions to make them positive semi- definite (PSD). The default setting (-1) chooses automatically. Note: Only affects MIQP and MIQCP models -PreSOS1BigM PRESOS1BIGM, --PreSOS1BigM PRESOS1BIGM [env var: PRESOS1BIGM] (default: -1.0) (type: float): Controls the automatic reformulation of SOS1 constraints into binary form. SOS1 constraints are often handled more efficiently using a binary representation. The reformulation often requires "big-M" values to be introduced as coefficients. This parameter specifies the largest "big-M" that can be introduced by presolve when performing this reformulation. Larger values increase the chances that an SOS1 constraint will be reformulated, but very large values (e.g., 1e8) can lead to numerical issues. The default value of -1 chooses a threshold automatically. You should set the parameter to 0 to shut off SOS1 reformulation entirely, or a large value to force reformulation. Please refer to this section for more information on SOS constraints. -PreSOS1Encoding PRESOS1ENCODING, --PreSOS1Encoding PRESOS1ENCODING [env var: PRESOS1ENCODING] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the automatic reformulation of SOS1 constraints. Such constraints can be handled directly by the MIP branch-and-cut algorithm, but they are often handled more efficiently by reformulating them using binary or integer variables. There are several diffent ways to perform this reformulation; they differ in their size and strength. Smaller reformulations add fewer variables and constraints to the model. Stronger reformulations reduce the number of branch-and-cut nodes required to solve the resulting model. Options 0 and 1 of this parameter encode an SOS1 constraint using a formulation whose size is linear in the number of SOS members. Option 0 uses a so-called multiple choice model. It usually produces an LP relaxation that is easier to solve. Option 1 uses an incremental model. It often gives a stronger representation, reducing the amount of branching required to solve harder problems. Options 2 and 3 of this parameter encode the SOS1 using a formulation of logarithmic size. They both only apply when all the variables in the SOS1 are non-negative. Option 3 additionally requires that the sum of the variables in the SOS1 is equal to 1. Logarithmic formulations are often advantageous when the SOS1 constraint has a large number of members. Option 2 focuses on a formulation whose LP relaxation is easier to solve, while option 3 has better branching behavior. The default value of -1 chooses a reformulation for each SOS1 constraint automatically. Note that the reformulation of SOS1 constraints is also influenced by the PreSOS1BigM parameter. To shut off the reformulation entirely you should set that parameter to 0. Please refer to this section for more information on SOS constraints. -PreSOS2BigM PRESOS2BIGM, --PreSOS2BigM PRESOS2BIGM [env var: PRESOS2BIGM] (default: -1.0) (type: float): Controls the automatic reformulation of SOS2 constraints into binary form. SOS2 constraints are often handled more efficiently using a binary representation. The reformulation often requires "big-M" values to be introduced as coefficients. This parameter specifies the largest "big-M" that can be introduced by presolve when performing this reformulation. Larger values increase the chances that an SOS2 constraint will be reformulated, but very large values (e.g., 1e8) can lead to numerical issues. The default value of -1 chooses a threshold automatically. You should set the parameter to 0 to shut off SOS2 reformulation entirely, or a large value to force reformulation. Please refer to this section for more information on SOS constraints. -PreSOS2Encoding PRESOS2ENCODING, --PreSOS2Encoding PRESOS2ENCODING [env var: PRESOS2ENCODING] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the automatic reformulation of SOS2 constraints. Such constraints can be handled directly by the MIP branch-and-cut algorithm, but they are often handled more efficiently by reformulating them using binary or integer variables. There are several diffent ways to perform this reformulation; they differ in their size and strength. Smaller reformulations add fewer variables and constraints to the model. Stronger reformulations reduce the number of branch-and-cut nodes required to solve the resulting model. Options 0 and 1 of this parameter encode an SOS2 constraint using a formulation whose size is linear in the number of SOS members. Option 0 uses a so-called multiple choice model. It usually produces an LP relaxation that is easier to solve. Option 1 uses an incremental model. It often gives a stronger representation, reducing the amount of branching required to solve harder problems. Options 2 and 3 of this parameter encode the SOS2 using a formulation of logarithmic size. They both only apply when all the variables in the SOS2 are non-negative. Option 3 additionally requires that the sum of the variables in the SOS2 is equal to 1. Logarithmic formulations are often advantageous when the SOS2 constraint has a large number of members. Option 2 focuses on a formulation whose LP relaxation is easier to solve, while option 3 has better branching behavior. The default value of -1 chooses a reformulation for each SOS2 constraint automatically. Note that the reformulation of SOS2 constraints is also influenced by the PreSOS2BigM parameter. To shut off the reformulation entirely you should set that parameter to 0. Please refer to this section for more information on SOS constraints. -PreSparsify PRESPARSIFY, --PreSparsify PRESPARSIFY [env var: PRESPARSIFY] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the presolve sparsify reduction. This reduction can sometimes significantly reduce the number of non-zero values in the presolved model. Value 0 shuts off the reduction, while value 1 forces it on for mixed integer programming (MIP) models and value 2 forces it on for all types of models, including linear programming (LP) models, and MIP relaxations. The default value of -1 chooses automatically. -Presolve PRESOLVE, --Presolve PRESOLVE [env var: PRESOLVE] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the presolve level. A value of -1 corresponds to an automatic setting. Other options are off (0), conservative (1), or aggressive (2). More aggressive application of presolve takes more time, but can sometimes lead to a significantly tighter model. -ProjImpliedCuts PROJIMPLIEDCUTS, --ProjImpliedCuts PROJIMPLIEDCUTS [env var: PROJIMPLIEDCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls projected implied bound cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -PumpPasses PUMPPASSES, --PumpPasses PUMPPASSES [env var: PUMPPASSES] (default: -1) (type: int): Number of passes of the feasibility pump heuristic. This heuristic is quite expensive, and generally produces poor quality solutions. You should generally only use it if other means, including exploration of the tree with default settings, fail to produce a feasible solution. This parameter is callback settable. It can be changed from within a callback when the "where" value is "PRESOLVED", "SIMPLEX", "MIP", "MIPSOL", "MIPNODE", "BARRIER", or "MULTIOBJ" (see the Callback Codes section for more information). How to do that for the different APIs is illustrated here. In case of a remote server, the change of a parameter from within a callback may not be taken into account immediately. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -QCPDual QCPDUAL, --QCPDual QCPDUAL [env var: QCPDUAL] (default: 0) (type: int): Determines whether dual variable values are computed for QCP models. Computing them can add significant time to the optimization, so you should only set this parameter to 1 if you need them. -Quad QUAD, --Quad QUAD [env var: QUAD] (default: -1) (type: int): Enables or disables quad precision computation in simplex. The -1 default setting allows the algorithm to decide. Quad precision can sometimes help solve numerically challenging models, but it can also significantly increase runtime. Quad precision is only available on processors that support quadruple precision, e.g., common Intel processors. On other processors, the parameter has no effect. -RINS RINS, --RINS RINS [env var: RINS] (default: -1) (type: int): Frequency of the RINS heuristic. Default value (-1) chooses automatically. A value of 0 shuts off RINS. A positive value "n" applies RINS at every "n-th" node of the MIP search tree. Increasing the frequency of the RINS heuristic shifts the focus of the MIP search away from proving optimality, and towards finding good feasible solutions. We recommend that you try MIPFocus, ImproveStartGap, or ImproveStartTime before experimenting with this parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -RLTCuts RLTCUTS, --RLTCuts RLTCUTS [env var: RLTCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls Relaxation Linearization Technique (RLT) cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -Record RECORD, --Record RECORD [env var: RECORD] (default: 0) (type: int): Enables API call recording. When enabled, Gurobi will write one or more files (named "gurobi000.grbr" or similar) that capture the sequence of Gurobi commands that your program issued. This file can subsequently be replayed using the Gurobi command-line tool. Replaying the file will repeat the exact same sequence of commands, and when completed will show the time spent in Gurobi API routines, the time spent in Gurobi algorithms, and will indicate whether any Gurobi environments or models were leaked by your program. Replay files are particularly useful in tech support situations. They provide an easy way to relay to Gurobi tech support the exact sequence of Gurobi commands that led to a question or issue. This parameter must be set before starting an empty environment (or in a "gurobi.env" file). All Gurobi commands will be recorded until the environment is freed or the program ends. -RelaxLiftCuts RELAXLIFTCUTS, --RelaxLiftCuts RELAXLIFTCUTS [env var: RELAXLIFTCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls relax-and-lift cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ResultFile RESULTFILE, --ResultFile RESULTFILE [env var: RESULTFILE] (default: ) (type: str): Specifies the name of the result file to be written upon completion of optimization. The type of the result file is determined by the file suffix. The most commonly used suffixes are ".sol" (to capture the solution vector), ".bas" (to capture the simplex basis), and ".mst" (to capture the solution vector on the integer variables). You can also write a ".ilp" file (to capture the IIS for an infeasible model), or a ".mps", ".rew", ".lp", or ".rlp" file (to capture the original model), or a ".dua" or ".dlp" file (to capture the dual of a pure LP model). The file suffix may optionally be followed by ".zip", ".gz", ".bz2", ".7z" or ".xz", which produces a compressed result. More information on the file formats can be found in the File Format section. -ScaleFlag SCALEFLAG, --ScaleFlag SCALEFLAG [env var: SCALEFLAG] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls model scaling. By default, the rows and columns of the model are scaled in order to improve the numerical properties of the constraint matrix. The scaling is removed before the final solution is returned. Scaling typically reduces solution times, but it may lead to larger constraint violations in the original, unscaled model. Turning off scaling ("ScaleFlag=0") can sometimes produce smaller constraint violations. Choosing a different scaling option can sometimes improve performance for particularly numerically difficult models. Using geometric mean scaling ("ScaleFlag=2") is especially well suited for models with a wide range of coefficients in the constraint matrix rows or columns. Settings 1 and 3 are not as directly connected to any specific model characteristics, so experimentation with both settings may be needed to assess performance impact. -ScenarioNumber SCENARIONUMBER, --ScenarioNumber SCENARIONUMBER [env var: SCENARIONUMBER] (default: 0) (type: int): When working with multiple scenarios, this parameter selects the index of the scenario you want to work with. When you query or modify an attribute associated with multiple scenarios (ScenNLB, ScenNUB, ScenNObj, ScenNRHS, etc.), the ScenarioNumber parameter will determine which scenario is actually affected. The value of this parameter should be less than the value of the NumScenarios attribute (which captures the number of scenarios in the model). Please refer to the discussion of Multiple Scenarios for more information on the use of alternative scenarios. -Seed SEED, --Seed SEED [env var: SEED] (default: 0) (type: int): Modifies the random number seed. This acts as a small perturbation to the solver, and typically leads to different solution paths. -ServerPassword SERVERPASSWORD, --ServerPassword SERVERPASSWORD [env var: SERVERPASSWORD] (default: ) (type: str): The password for connecting to the server (either a Compute Server or a token server). For connecting to the Remote Services cluster referred to by the ComputeServer parameter, you’ll need to supply the client password. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. Supply the token server password (if needed) when connecting to the server referred to by the TokenServer parameter, You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "PASSWORD=pwd") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -ServerTimeout SERVERTIMEOUT, --ServerTimeout SERVERTIMEOUT [env var: SERVERTIMEOUT] (default: 60) (type: int): Network time-out for Compute Server and token server (in seconds). If the client program is unable to contact the server for more than the specified amount of time, the client will quit with a network error. Refer to the *Gurobi Remote Services Reference Manual* for more information on starting Compute Server jobs. You must set this parameter using an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -SiftMethod SIFTMETHOD, --SiftMethod SIFTMETHOD [env var: SIFTMETHOD] (default: -1) (type: int): LP method used to solve sifting sub-problems. Options are Automatic (-1), Primal Simplex (0), Dual Simplex (1), and Barrier (2). Note that this parameter only has an effect when you are using dual simplex and sifting has been selected (either automatically by dual simplex, or through the Sifting parameter). Changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. -Sifting SIFTING, --Sifting SIFTING [env var: SIFTING] (default: -1) (type: int): Enables or disables sifting within dual simplex. Sifting can be useful for LP models where the number of variables is many times larger than the number of constraints (we typically only see significant benefits when the ratio is 100 or more). Options are Automatic (-1), Off (0), Moderate (1), and Aggressive (2). With a Moderate setting, sifting will be applied to LP models and to the initial root relaxation for MIP models. With an Aggressive setting, sifting will be applied any time dual simplex is used, including at the nodes of a MIP. Note that this parameter has no effect if you aren’t using dual simplex. Note also that Gurobi will ignore this parameter in cases where sifting is obviously a worse choice than dual simplex. -SimplexPricing SIMPLEXPRICING, --SimplexPricing SIMPLEXPRICING [env var: SIMPLEXPRICING] (default: -1) (type: int): Determines the simplex variable pricing strategy. Available options are Automatic (-1), Partial Pricing (0), Steepest Edge (1), Devex (2), and Quick-Start Steepest Edge (3). Changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. -SoftMemLimit SOFTMEMLIMIT, --SoftMemLimit SOFTMEMLIMIT [env var: SOFTMEMLIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits the total amount of memory (in GB, i.e., 10^9 bytes) available to Gurobi. If more is needed, Gurobi will terminate with a MEM_LIMIT status code. In contrast to the MemLimit parameter, the SoftMemLimit parameter leads to a graceful exit of the optimization, such that it is possible to retrieve solution information afterwards or (in the case of a MIP solve) resume the optimization. A disadvantage compared to MemLimit is that the SoftMemLimit is only checked at places where optimization can be terminated gracefully, so memory use may exceed the limit between these checks. Note that allocated memory is tracked across all models within a Gurobi environment. If you create multiple models in one environment, these additional models will count towards overall memory consumption. Memory usage is also tracked across all threads. One consequence of this is that termination may be non-deterministic for multi-threaded runs. -SolFiles SOLFILES, --SolFiles SOLFILES [env var: SOLFILES] (default: ) (type: str): During the MIP solution process, multiple incumbent solutions are typically found on the path to finding a proven optimal solution. Setting this parameter to a non- empty string causes these solutions to be written to files (in .sol format) as they are found. The MIP solver will append "_n.sol" to the value of the parameter to form the name of the file that contains solution number n. For example, setting the parameter to value "solutions/mymodel" will create files "mymodel_0.sol", "mymodel_1.sol", etc., in directory "solutions". Note that intermediate solutions can be retrieved as they are generated through a callback (by requesting the "MIPSOL_SOL" in a "MIPSOL" callback). This parameter makes the process simpler. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -SolutionLimit SOLUTIONLIMIT, --SolutionLimit SOLUTIONLIMIT [env var: SOLUTIONLIMIT] (default: 2000000000) (type: int): Limits the number of feasible MIP solutions found. Optimization returns with a SOLUTION_LIMIT status once the limit has been reached. To find a feasible solution quickly, Gurobi executes additional feasible point heuristics when the solution limit is set to exactly 1. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -SolutionNumber SOLUTIONNUMBER, --SolutionNumber SOLUTIONNUMBER [env var: SOLUTIONNUMBER] (default: 0) (type: int): When querying attribute Xn, ObjNVal, or PoolObjVal to retrieve an alternate MIP solution, this parameter determines which alternate solution is retrieved. The value of this parameter should be less than the value of the SolCount attribute. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -SolutionTarget SOLUTIONTARGET, --SolutionTarget SOLUTIONTARGET [env var: SOLUTIONTARGET] (default: -1) (type: int): Specifies the solution target for linear programs (LP). Options are Automatic (-1), primal and dual optimal, and basic (0), primal and dual optimal (1). -StartNodeLimit STARTNODELIMIT, --StartNodeLimit STARTNODELIMIT [env var: STARTNODELIMIT] (default: -1) (type: int): This parameter limits the number of branch-and-bound nodes explored when completing a partial MIP start. The default value of -1 uses the value of the SubMIPNodes parameter. A value of -2 means to only check full MIP starts for feasibility and to ignore partial MIP starts. A value of -3 shuts off MIP start processing entirely. Non-negative values are node limits. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -StartNumber STARTNUMBER, --StartNumber STARTNUMBER [env var: STARTNUMBER] (default: 0) (type: int): This parameter selects the index of the MIP start you want to work with. When you modify a MIP start value (using the Start attribute) the StartNumber parameter will determine which MIP start is actually affected. The value of this parameter should be less than the value of the NumStart attribute (which captures the number of MIP starts in the model). The special value -1 is meant to append new MIP start to a model, but querying a MIP start when StartNumber is -1 will result in an error. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -StrongCGCuts STRONGCGCUTS, --StrongCGCuts STRONGCGCUTS [env var: STRONGCGCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls Strong Chvátal-Gomory (Strong-CG) cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -SubMIPCuts SUBMIPCUTS, --SubMIPCuts SUBMIPCUTS [env var: SUBMIPCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls sub-MIP cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -SubMIPNodes SUBMIPNODES, --SubMIPNodes SUBMIPNODES [env var: SUBMIPNODES] (default: 500) (type: int): Limits the number of nodes explored by MIP-based heuristics (such as RINS). Exploring more nodes can produce better solutions, but it generally takes longer. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -Symmetry SYMMETRY, --Symmetry SYMMETRY [env var: SYMMETRY] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls symmetry detection. A value of -1 corresponds to an automatic setting. Other options are off (0), conservative (1), or aggressive (2). Symmetry can impact a number of different parts of the algorithm, including presolve, the MIP tree search, and the LP solution process. Default settings are quite effective, so changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. -TSPort TSPORT, --TSPort TSPORT [env var: TSPORT] (default: 41954) (type: int): Port to use when connecting to the Gurobi token server. You should only change this if your network administrator tells you to. -ThreadLimit THREADLIMIT, --ThreadLimit THREADLIMIT [env var: THREADLIMIT] (default: 0) (type: int): The ThreadLimit parameter is a configuration parameter for an environment which can be used to limit the number of threads used. This limit is enforced for all optimization calls based on this environment. The default value of 0 implies no limit. If a thread limit is set, trying to set the Threads parameter above this limit will display a warning and not change the value of the parameter. You must set the ThreadLimit parameter through either a "gurobi.env" file (using "ThreadLimit=limit") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after the environment has been created will result in an error. -Threads THREADS, --Threads THREADS [env var: THREADS] (default: 0) (type: int): Controls the number of threads to apply to parallel algorithms (concurrent LP, parallel barrier, parallel MIP, etc.). The default value of 0 is an automatic setting. It will generally use as many threads as there are virtual processors. The number of virtual processors may exceed the number of cores due to hyperthreading or other similar hardware features. While you will generally get the best performance by using all available cores in your machine, there are a few exceptions. One is of course when you are sharing a machine with other jobs. In this case, you should select a thread count that doesn’t oversubscribe the machine. We have also found that certain classes of MIP models benefit from reducing the thread count, often all the way down to one thread. Starting multiple threads introduces contention for machine resources. For classes of models where the first solution found by the MIP solver is almost always optimal, and that solution isn’t found at the root, it is often better to allow a single thread to explore the search tree uncontested. Another situation where reducing the thread count can be helpful is when memory is tight. Each thread can consume a significant amount of memory. We’ve made the pragmatic choice to impose a soft limit of 32 threads for the automatic setting (0). If your machine has more, and you find that using more increases performance, you should feel free to set the parameter to a larger value. -TimeLimit TIMELIMIT, --TimeLimit TIMELIMIT [env var: TIMELIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits the total time expended (in seconds). Optimization returns with a TIME_LIMIT status if the limit is exceeded. Note that optimization may not stop immediately upon hitting the time limit. It will stop after performing the required additional computations of the attributes associated with the terminated optimization. As a result, the Runtime attribute may be larger than the specified TimeLimit upon completion, and repeating the optimization with a TimeLimit set to the Runtime attribute of the stopped optimization may result in additional computations and a larger attribute value. This parameter is callback settable. It can be changed from within a callback when the "where" value is "PRESOLVED", "SIMPLEX", "MIP", "MIPSOL", "MIPNODE", "BARRIER", or "MULTIOBJ" (see the Callback Codes section for more information). How to do that for the different APIs is illustrated here. In case of a remote server, the change of a parameter from within a callback may not be taken into account immediately. -TokenServer TOKENSERVER, --TokenServer TOKENSERVER [env var: TOKENSERVER] (default: ) (type: str): When using a token license, set this parameter to the name of the token server. You can refer to the server using its name or its IP address. You can provide a comma- separated list of token servers to increase robustness. If the first server in the list doesn’t respond, the second will be tried, etc. You must set this parameter through either a "gurobi.lic" file (using "TOKENSERVER=server") or an empty environment. Changing the parameter after your environment has been created will have no effect. -TuneCleanup TUNECLEANUP, --TuneCleanup TUNECLEANUP [env var: TUNECLEANUP] (default: 0.0) (type: float): Enables a cleanup phase at the end of tuning. The parameter indicates the percentage of total tuning time to devote to this phase, with a goal of reducing the number of parameter changes required to achieve the best tuning result. -TuneCriterion TUNECRITERION, --TuneCriterion TUNECRITERION [env var: TUNECRITERION] (default: -1) (type: int): Modifies the tuning criterion for the tuning tool. The primary tuning criterion is always to minimize the runtime required to find a proven optimal solution. However, for MIP models that don’t solve to optimality within the specified time limit, a secondary criterion is needed. Set this parameter to 1 to use the optimality gap as the secondary criterion. Choose a value of 2 to use the objective of the best feasible solution found. Choose a value of 3 to use the best objective bound. Choose 0 to ignore the secondary criterion and focus entirely on minimizing the time to find a proven optimal solution. The default value of -1 chooses automatically. Note that values 1 and 3 are unsupported for multi-objective problems. -TuneDynamicJobs TUNEDYNAMICJOBS, --TuneDynamicJobs TUNEDYNAMICJOBS [env var: TUNEDYNAMICJOBS] (default: 0) (type: int): Enables distributed parallel tuning, which can significantly increase the performance of the tuning tool. A value of "n" causes the tuning tool to use a dynamic set of up to "n" workers in parallel. These workers are used for a limited amount of time and afterwards potentially released so that they are available for other remote jobs. A value of "-1" allows the solver to use an unlimited number of workers. Note that this parameter can be combined with TuneJobs to get a static set of workers and a dynamic set of workers for distributed tuning. You can use the WorkerPool parameter to provide a distributed worker cluster. Note that distributed tuning is most effective when the worker machines have similar performance. Distributed tuning doesn’t attempt to normalize performance by server, so it can incorrectly attribute a boost in performance to a parameter change when the associated setting is tried on a worker that is significantly faster than the others. -TuneJobs TUNEJOBS, --TuneJobs TUNEJOBS [env var: TUNEJOBS] (default: 0) (type: int): Enables distributed parallel tuning, which can significantly increase the performance of the tuning tool. A value of "n" causes the tuning tool to use a static set of up to "n" workers in parallel. Such workers are kept for the whole tuning run. Note that this parameter can be combined with TuneDynamicJobs to get a static set of workers and a dynamic set of workers for distributed tuning. You can use the WorkerPool parameter to provide a distributed worker cluster. Note that distributed tuning is most effective when the worker machines have similar performance. Distributed tuning doesn’t attempt to normalize performance by server, so it can incorrectly attribute a boost in performance to a parameter change when the associated setting is tried on a worker that is significantly faster than the others. -TuneMetric TUNEMETRIC, --TuneMetric TUNEMETRIC [env var: TUNEMETRIC] (default: -1) (type: int): A single tuning run typically produces multiple timing results for each candidate parameter set, either as a result of performing multiple trials, or tuning multiple models, or both. This parameter controls how these results are aggregated into a single measure. The default setting (-1) chooses the aggregation automatically; setting 0 computes the average of all individual results; setting 1 takes the maximum. -TuneOutput TUNEOUTPUT, --TuneOutput TUNEOUTPUT [env var: TUNEOUTPUT] (default: 2) (type: int): Controls the amount of output produced by the tuning tool. Level 0 produces no output; level 1 produces tuning summary output only when a new best parameter set is found; level 2 produces tuning summary output for each parameter set that is tried; level 3 produces tuning summary output, plus detailed solver output, for each parameter set tried. -TuneResults TUNERESULTS, --TuneResults TUNERESULTS [env var: TUNERESULTS] (default: -1) (type: int): The tuning tool often finds multiple parameter sets that improve over the baseline settings. This parameter controls how many of these sets should be retained when tuning is complete. A non-negative value indicates how many sets should be retained. The default value (-1) retains the efficient frontier of parameter sets. That is, it retains the best set for one changed parameter, the best for two changed parameters, etc. Sets that aren’t on the efficient frontier are discarded. If you interested in all the sets, use value -2 for the parameter. Note that the first set in the results is always the set of parameters which was used for the first solve, the baseline settings. This set serves as the base for any improvement. So if you are interested in the best tuned set of parameters you need to request at least 2 tune results. The first one (with index 0) will be the baseline setting and the second one (with index 1) will be the best set found during tuning. -TuneTargetMIPGap TUNETARGETMIPGAP, --TuneTargetMIPGap TUNETARGETMIPGAP [env var: TUNETARGETMIPGAP] (default: 0.0) (type: float): A target gap to be reached. As soon as the tuner has found parameter settings that allow Gurobi to reach the target gap for the given model(s), it stops trying to improve parameter settings further. Instead, the tuner switches into the cleanup phase (see TuneCleanup parameter). -TuneTargetTime TUNETARGETTIME, --TuneTargetTime TUNETARGETTIME [env var: TUNETARGETTIME] (default: 0.005) (type: float): A target runtime in seconds to be reached. As soon as the tuner has found parameter settings that allow Gurobi to solve the model(s) within the target runtime, it stops trying to improve parameter settings further. Instead, the tuner switches into the cleanup phase (see TuneCleanup parameter). -TuneTimeLimit TUNETIMELIMIT, --TuneTimeLimit TUNETIMELIMIT [env var: TUNETIMELIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits total tuning runtime (in seconds). The default setting chooses a time limit automatically. -TuneTrials TUNETRIALS, --TuneTrials TUNETRIALS [env var: TUNETRIALS] (default: 0) (type: int): Performance on a MIP model can sometimes experience significant variations due to random effects. As a result, the tuning tool may return parameter sets that improve on the baseline only due to randomness. This parameter allows you to perform multiple solves for each parameter set, using different Seed values for each, in order to reduce the influence of randomness on the results. The default value of 0 indicates an automatic choice that depends on model characteristics. -UpdateMode UPDATEMODE, --UpdateMode UPDATEMODE [env var: UPDATEMODE] (default: 1) (type: int): Determines how newly added variables and linear constraints are handled. The default setting (1) allows you to use new variables and constraints immediately for building or modifying the model. A setting of 0 requires you to call "update" before these can be used. Since the vast majority of programs never query Gurobi for details about the optimization models they build, the default setting typically removes the need to call "update", or even be aware of the details of our *lazy update* approach for handling model modifications. However, these details will show through when you try to query modified model information. In the Gurobi interface, model modifications (bound changes, right- hand side changes, objective changes, etc.) are placed in a queue. These queued modifications are applied to the model at three times: when you call "update", when you call "optimize", or when you call "write" to write the model to disk. When you query information about the model, the result will depend on both *whether* that information was modified and *when* it was modified. In particular, no matter what setting of UpdateMode you use, if the modification is sitting in the queue, you’ll get the result from before the modification. To expand on this a bit, all attribute modifications are actually placed in a queue. This includes attributes that may not traditionally be viewed as being part of the model, including things like variable branching priorities, constraint basis statuses, etc. Querying the values of these attributes will return their previous values if subsequent modifications are still in the queue. The only potential benefit to changing the parameter to 0 is that in unusual cases this setting may allow simplex to make more aggressive use of warm-start information after a model modification. If you want to change this parameter, you need to set it as soon as you create your Gurobi environment. Note that you still need to call "update" to modify an attribute on an SOS constraint, quadratic constraint, or general constraint. -VarBranch VARBRANCH, --VarBranch VARBRANCH [env var: VARBRANCH] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the branch variable selection strategy. The default -1 setting makes an automatic choice, depending on problem characteristics. Available alternatives are Pseudo Reduced Cost Branching (0), Pseudo Shadow Price Branching (1), Maximum Infeasibility Branching (2), and Strong Branching (3). Changing the value of this parameter rarely produces a significant benefit. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -WLSAccessID WLSACCESSID, --WLSAccessID WLSACCESSID [env var: WLSACCESSID] (default: ) (type: str): When using a WLS license, set this parameter to the access ID for your license. You can retrieve this string from your account on the Gurobi Web License Manager site. -WLSConfig WLSCONFIG, --WLSConfig WLSCONFIG [env var: WLSCONFIG] (default: ) (type: str): When using a WLS On Demand license, this parameter can be used to specify which configuration to use. If not specified, the configuration used will be the default configuration specified for that license. -WLSProxy WLSPROXY, --WLSProxy WLSPROXY [env var: WLSPROXY] (default: ) (type: str): Comma separated list of addresses of the WLS proxies to connect to. When using a WLS On Demand license, this parameter can be used to specify the URLs to which Gurobi will connect to report usage. The default value (an empty string) is equivalent to "http://localhost:61099". -WLSSecret WLSSECRET, --WLSSecret WLSSECRET [env var: WLSSECRET] (default: ) (type: str): When using a WLS license, set this parameter to the secret key for your license. You can retrieve this string from your account on the Gurobi Web License Manager site. -WLSToken WLSTOKEN, --WLSToken WLSTOKEN [env var: WLSTOKEN] (default: ) (type: str): If you are using a WLS license and have retrieved your own token through the WLS REST API, use this parameter to pass that token to the library. If you do this, you don’t need to set any other WLS-related parameters. -WLSTokenDuration WLSTOKENDURATION, --WLSTokenDuration WLSTOKENDURATION [env var: WLSTOKENDURATION] (default: 0) (type: int): When using a WLS license, this parameter can be used to adjust the lifespan (in minutes) of a token. A token enables Gurobi to run on that client for the life of the token. Gurobi will automatically request a new token if the current one expires, but it won’t notify the WLS server if it completes its work before the current token expires. A shorter lifespan is better for short-lived usage. A longer lifespan is better for environments where the network connection to the WLS server is unreliable. The default value of 0 means ‘automatic’, and is currently equal to 5 minutes. This value may change in the future. The WLS server will cap the chosen value automatically to be at least 5 minutes and no more than 60 minutes. This behavior may change in the future as well. -WLSTokenRefresh WLSTOKENREFRESH, --WLSTokenRefresh WLSTOKENREFRESH [env var: WLSTOKENREFRESH] (default: 0.9) (type: float): The value specifies the fraction of the token duration after which a token refresh is triggered. So, for example, if the token duration is 30 minutes and WLSTokenRefresh is set to 0.6, the token will be refreshed every 18 minutes. The minimum refresh interval is 4 minutes. -WorkLimit WORKLIMIT, --WorkLimit WORKLIMIT [env var: WORKLIMIT] (default: 1e+100) (type: float): Limits the total work expended (in work units). Optimization returns with a WORK_LIMIT status if the limit is exceeded. In contrast to the TimeLimit, work limits are deterministic. This means that on the same hardware and with the same parameter and attribute settings, a work limit will stop the optimization of a given model at the exact same point every time. One work unit corresponds very roughly to one second on a single thread, but this greatly depends on the hardware on which Gurobi is running and the model that is being solved. Note that optimization may not stop immediately upon hitting the work limit. It will stop when the optimization is next in a deterministic state, and it will then perform the required additional computations of the attributes associated with the terminated optimization. As a result, the Work attribute may be larger than the specified WorkLimit upon completion, and repeating the optimization with a WorkLimit set to the Work attribute of the stopped optimization may result in additional computations and a larger attribute value. This parameter is callback settable. It can be changed from within a callback when the "where" value is "PRESOLVED", "SIMPLEX", "MIP", "MIPSOL", "MIPNODE", "BARRIER", or "MULTIOBJ" (see the Callback Codes section for more information). How to do that for the different APIs is illustrated here. In case of a remote server, the change of a parameter from within a callback may not be taken into account immediately. -WorkerPassword WORKERPASSWORD, --WorkerPassword WORKERPASSWORD [env var: WORKERPASSWORD] (default: ) (type: str): When using a distributed algorithm (distributed MIP, distributed concurrent, or distributed tuning), this parameter allows you to specify the password for the distributed worker cluster provided in the WorkerPool parameter. -WorkerPool WORKERPOOL, --WorkerPool WORKERPOOL [env var: WORKERPOOL] (default: ) (type: str): When using a distributed algorithm (distributed MIP, distributed concurrent, or distributed tuning), this parameter allows you to specify a Remote Services cluster that will provide distributed workers. You should also specify the access password for that cluster, if there is one, in the WorkerPassword parameter. Note that you don’t need to set either of these parameters if your job is running on a Compute Server node and you want to use the same cluster for the distributed workers. You can provide a comma- separated list of machines for added robustness. If the first node in the list is unavailable, the client will attempt to contact the second node, etc. To give an example, if you have a Remote Services cluster that uses port 61000 on a pair of machines named "server1" and "server2", you could set WorkerPool to ""server1:61000"" or ""server1:61000,server2:61000"". -ZeroHalfCuts ZEROHALFCUTS, --ZeroHalfCuts ZEROHALFCUTS [env var: ZEROHALFCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls zero-half cut generation. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. The default -1 value chooses automatically. Overrides the Cuts parameter. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models -ZeroObjNodes ZEROOBJNODES, --ZeroObjNodes ZEROOBJNODES [env var: ZEROOBJNODES] (default: -1) (type: int): Number of nodes to explore in the zero objective heuristic. This heuristic is quite expensive, and generally produces poor quality solutions. You should generally only use it if other means, including exploration of the tree with default settings, fail to produce a feasible solution. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models
You can merge nextmv.Options
together using the merge
import nextmv_gurobipy as ngp import nextmv opt = nextmv.Options( nextmv.Parameter("input", str, "", "Path to input file. Default is stdin.", False), nextmv.Parameter("output", str, "", "Path to output file. Default is stdout.", False), ) gp_opt = ngp.ModelOptions().to_nextmv() options = opt.merge(gp_opt)
$ python --help usage: [options] Options for Use command-line arguments (highest precedence) or environment variables. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -input INPUT, --input INPUT [env var: INPUT] (default: ) (type: str): Path to input file. Default is stdin. -output OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT [env var: OUTPUT] (default: ) (type: str): Path to output file. Default is stdout. -AggFill AGGFILL, --AggFill AGGFILL [env var: AGGFILL] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls the amount of fill allowed during presolve aggregation. Larger values generally lead to presolved models with fewer rows and columns, but with more constraint matrix non-zeros. The default value chooses automatically, and usually works well. -Aggregate AGGREGATE, --Aggregate AGGREGATE [env var: AGGREGATE] (default: 1) (type: int): Controls the aggregation level in presolve. The options are off (0), moderate (1), or aggressive (2). In rare instances, aggregation can lead to an accumulation of numerical errors. Turning it off can sometimes improve solution accuracy. -BQPCuts BQPCUTS, --BQPCuts BQPCUTS [env var: BQPCUTS] (default: -1) (type: int): Controls Boolean Quadric Polytope (BQP) cut generation. Use 0 ... ...
Notice how the ModelOptions
are merged with the nextmv.Options
and you can access the options from both sets.