
Nextmv platform point release

Nextmv platform (CLI v0.12.1, SDK v0.20.0)

This release incorporates new additions to the Nextmv platform. Please see each section for an overview and upgrade guide.

Nextmv CLI v0.12.1

New templates were introduced:

  • new-app: a blank template that serves as a base for solving decision automation problems using our platform.
  • mip-meal-allocation (private beta): a template for solving the meal allocation problem using our MIP package.
  • mip-knapsack (private beta): a template for solving the knapsack problem using our MIP package. You can check out our knapsack how-to guide for more details on this problem and instructions on solving it with the store package.

The mip-meal-allocation and mip-knapsack templates and the MIP package are still in private beta, please reach out to us for more information.

New and existing templates were upgraded to Go 1.19.

Nextmv CLI v0.12.1 upgrade guide

This upgrade guide assumes you’ve previously installed and configured the Nextmv CLI.

Open up a terminal and run the following:

nextmv update

Alternatively, you can specify the version.

nextmv update v0.12.1

Nextmv SDK v0.20.0

We upgraded all of our source code to Go 1.19. In addition, we made breaking changes to the MIP package. The package is still in private beta so we are not providing details on the breaking changes. Please reach out to us if you would like early access to this feature.

Nextmv SDK v0.20.0 upgrade guide

To update and tidy your Go project and reference SDK v0.20.0, stand at the location of the go.mod and run:

go get
go mod tidy

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