

Using Nextroute with Nextmv

Nextroute is a fast and powerful vehicle routing problem (VRP) solver. It gives you access to a variety of constraints and options that can be used to tailor the solver to your specific business needs.

Get started

A community app is a great place to get started with the Nextroute integration. Make sure to specify the default runtime in your app’s app.yaml manifest:

# This manifest holds the information the app needs to run on the Nextmv Cloud.
type: go

# Directives to build a Go binary from the app.
  command: go build -o main .
    GOOS: linux
    GOARCH: arm64

# List all files/directories that should be included in the app. Globbing
# (e.g.: configs/*.json) is supported.
  - main

Read about Nextroute’s features and more in the vehicle routing section.


Nextroute is distributed under the license Business Source License 1.1.

Languages & runtimes

Supported languages and available runtimes for Nextroute apps are listed in the table below. These properties must be defined in the app manifest for your app to run remotely.

Language Runtime

Community apps

The community apps listed in the table below use Nextroute.

Community app Description
go-nextrouteSolve a VRP with nextroute

Clone a community app locally using Nextmv CLI:

nextmv community clone -a go-nextroute

Marketplace apps

The Nextmv Routing app in Nextmv Marketplace is powered by Nextroute.

Sign up for a free Nextmv Cloud account to test out the Nextmv Routing app.

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