Run App Remotely

Run remotely with Nextmv CLI

A tutorial for running an app remotely with Nextmv CLI.

Complete run workflow

Execute the complete run workflow (submit a run, poll for status, get the results). The output key will contain the actual output of the run. This is an aggregation of the other steps.

nextmv app run \
    --app-id $APP_ID \
    --instance $INSTANCE_ID \
    --input $INPUT_FILE \
    --options "solve.duration=10s,solve.iterations=20" \

New run

Submit a new run. The run_id is returned.

nextmv app run \
    --app-id $APP_ID \
    --instance $INSTANCE_ID \
    --input $INPUT_FILE \
    --options "solve.duration=10s,solve.iterations=20"

Run metadata

Get a run metadata. The metadata.status key will contain the status of the run. Use the run_id obtained from submitting a run.

nextmv app metadata \
    --app-id $APP_ID \
    --run-id $RUN_ID

Run result

Get a run result. The output key will contain the actual output of the run, if the output format is JSON. Use the run_id obtained from submitting a run.

nextmv app result \
    --app-id $APP_ID \
    --run-id $RUN_ID

Run output

While the run result typically already contains the output, you can also get the output of a run directly. Use the run_id obtained from submitting a run. By default, the command writes the output to an automatically generated file. The output will be written out as recorded and without any formatting.

nextmv app output \
    --app-id $APP_ID \
    --run-id $RUN_ID

You can get the input of a run in the same way by using the nextmv app input command.

Get the logs of a run

You can get the logs of a run after it is finished. The logs contain everything that was printed to stderr during the run.

nextmv app logs \
    --app-id $APP_ID \
    --run-id $RUN_ID

Running with log tailing

You can also tail logs while running, which will show you any output your application prints to stderr about every 30 seconds. If you use the --verbose flag then the results will also show when the run completes.

nextmv app run \
    --instance $INSTANCE_ID \
    --input $INPUT_FILE \
    --tail \

Cancel a run

To cancel a run, use the nextmv app cancel command.

nextmv app cancel \
   --app-id "<YOUR-APP-ID>" \
   --run-id "<YOUR-RUN-ID>"

Account queue

Get the queue of runs for the account. A run is queued when the status_v2 in the metadata is queued. Use the nextmv account queue command.

nextmv account queue

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