March 7, 2025What's Changed
- Update READMEs, links, and versions by @sebastian-quintero in #70
March 4, 2025What's Changed
- Adds support for creating and deleting apps by @merschformann in #68
- Adjust Pydantic serialization to fix
command by @sebastian-quintero in #69
Custom run visuals
February 27, 2025
You can now add custom visuals to your application runs. Add custom charts using the Plotly or Chart.js rendering library, or add custom interactive maps based on GeoJSON data. Visuals can be added to any custom application by following the required schema outlined in the Custom visualizations documentation.
Sample of a Chart.js render for an application run.
February 24, 2025What's Changed
- Fix package path to nextmv_sklearn by @sebastian-quintero in #67
Full Changelog: nextmv-scikit-learn-v0.1.1-dev.0...nextmv-scikit-learn-v0.1.1
February 24, 2025What's Changed
- Finish the interfaces for solution handling by @sebastian-quintero in #64
Run ID added to scenario test pivot table
December 4, 2024
The run ID is now included as an analysis option in the scenario test pivot table (id
). This is useful if your want to categorize data by runs, or further segment scenario analysis with a per run delineation.
Input file trimming in Nextmv Console
December 4, 2024
When viewing a run in Nextmv Console, there is a size limit for rendering the input and output for the run. If an input or output file is above this threshold, rather than rendering a visual or the contents of the JSON file, an interface for downloading the file is displayed.
However, sometimes an input’s large file size is because of “machine” data included in the file, and the amount of information that is of interest to an operator or developer is within Console’s file display threshold.
To accommodate this scenario, a new feature has been added to Nextmv Console that trims machine-oriented properties from the input file when viewing a run. After the properties have been trimmed, if the run’s updated input file size is within the display thresholds then the input will be re-rendered with the appropriate display (e.g. a mapping visual if it’s a routing app).
At the moment there are two properties that are trimmed from the input file:
If these input properties do not exist no action is taken. Also, if one or more of these properties are trimmed, but the input file size still remains above the rendering threshold, the download input interface will remain as is.
Note that the input is modified in the browser session on the front-end only. The backend data remains as is and cannot be modified. Also, you can always download the input file via the download interface to see its full contents.
Updated analysis view for runs
December 4, 2024
App’s that use the Statistics convention in their run output can record time series data with the series_data
property and then view this collected data in the Analysis tab of the run details view in Console.
The ability to view the series data used to be only available if your run output file size was below 300kb. Now this feature is available for run outputs of any size as long as the format is JSON. However, do note that if your files are very large it may take a moment for the series data to be extracted and displayed.
Also, the charts that display the progression values of the series_data
sets have been updated to be more performant. And if the dataset is larger than 50, a sample of the points are extracted for inspection using the Largest-Triangle-Three-Buckets (LTTB) algorithm.
Select inputs to use for scenario test
November 14, 2024
A new feature has been added to the create scenario test interface that allows you to select individual inputs to use for a scenario. Prior to this you would need to create an input set from the inputs first, and then select that input set for your scenario.
Now you specify which inputs to use directly without having to create an input set first. You can select any combination of existing inputs to use for each scenario in your scenario test.
Refreshed UI for creating scenario tests
November 14, 2024
The user interface (UI) for creating scenario tests has been updated in Console. The specification areas for each scenario are now clearly delineated by color and space, and the UI for filling out the general details for the test has been streamlined as well.
The summary of the total run count and the configuration options applied to the inputs for the scenario remain, however they are visually enhanced and you can now collapse each scenario to see the overall picture of the scenario test.
Adjust run visuals
November 13, 2024
Nexmtv Console will visualize the input and output of a run for routing and scheduling apps that conform to a specific input and output schema. This visualization is displayed in the Input and Result tab of a run.
However, there may be times when you want to view the result’s JSON more than the visualization. Before you were constrained by the default width of the panel displaying the contents of the JSON file, which could cause the JSON to wrap and be harder to read.
Now, you have the ability to adjust the widths of the two panels by moving the solid gray line in the middle to the left or right. See the before and after screenshots below. The adjustments are persisted to the browser’s local storage so that your preferences remain in place even after you leave the page.
View statistics in run history
October 31, 2024
You can now view run statistics in the run history table for your app runs. Prior to this you were required to load each individual run to view the statistics.
- Read more about adding custom statistics to your app.
Nextplot now supports OSRM
October 25, 2024
Nextplot, the open source route visualization tool from Nextmv, now supports OSRM-based polyline creation and distance/duration calculation (in addition to the already existing support for getting these via Routingkit).
This new capability is applicable to users solving vehicle routing problems and running their own OSRM server. With Nextplot and OSRM, you can quickly visualize routes on a map and customize the output to meet your needs.
New app dashboard
October 24, 2024
The landing page for apps has been redesigned to present a high-level overview of the activity for your app. It now includes a preview of the most recent runs and experiments in addition to the same information that was there before.
Also included with the new design is a chart that displays the values of your app’s run statistics over time for the past 50 runs.
View input while run is queued or in progress
October 24, 2024
You can now view a run’s input while it is queued or running. Prior to this release, you had to wait until the run was finished before you could view the run input. This is beneficial if you have very long runs and do not want to wait until the run has completed before viewing the input.
If applicable, the run input will either be visualized (for routing or scheduling) or displayed in a code editor. And as always you can download the input file directly.
Review scenario test runs
October 23, 2024
When creating a new scenario test, adding options for a scenario creates a series of runs from a cross-product of the specified options for that scenario. This feature allows you to test many different scenarios quickly, however, the cross-product functionality may produce runs with configuration combinations that you do not care about.
Before, you would still have to run the scenario test with these options and then either ignore them in your analysis or filter them out. Now, before creating a scenario test you have the option to review the runs that will be created and deselect the runs you do not want to use.
Once you have selected only the runs you want to use for the scenario test you can click Create scenario test like normally. Note that reviewing runs is an optional step, if you want to use all of the runs you can continue to click Create scenario test like before and bypass the review runs step.
Run time usage
September 25, 2024
The ability to view total run time for a team has been added to Console alongside the existing total runs usage data. When you login to your Nextmv account, the Dashboard now shows the cumulative seconds for total runs by month for the current team you are viewing.
The chart on the dashboard shows usage activity for the past year. Total runs data will go back a full year, but total run time only goes back to June of 2024. Also, note that run time usage data for June 2024 is partial. The first complete record of monthly usage data begins in July of 2024.
You can also navigate to Teams and then Usage to view this same data. Total run time counts only successful runs and is reported in total seconds for the month. Total runs is the number of successful runs for the month.
Load more in select dropdowns
September 13, 2024
When viewing entities in Console (apps, instances, versions, experiments, etc.) the backend returns the most recently updated 50 with a pagination mechanism to view more beyond that.
This same approach is used to prefill options for select dropdowns, but there was no way to load more options if the one you want was not included in the first 50 returned.
To address this, a new load more button has been added at the end of the select dropdowns that will continue to load more entities until the one that is required is found. This functionality has been added to the Versions select on the create and edit instance views, and the the Inputs select on the create input set view.
Run statistics for large files
September 13, 2024
When you create a run in Nextmv, the details of this run can be viewed in Console. Specifically, you can view the statistics for a completed run in the Statistics section of the Details view of a run.
Before, if you made a run that resulted in a “large” file (that is, an output file that is larger than the display threshold in Console), this Statistics section did not display statistics from the run and instead had instructions to download the output file from the Result view and open it to view the statistics.
However, statistics are available on the run metadata and we now show these statistics on the run details view no matter the size of the run’s output file. Statistics are a powerful way to surface key performance indicators for cross-team collaboration, you can read more about adding custom statistics to your app in the Add custom statistics section